Pick a title!
- Mouse would have a horse in the back yard if The Planet Ann Arbor allowed people to keep horses in their backyards.
- The annual Thermostat Wars have begun.
- This is none of my business but don’t you guys usually go north?
- The GG needs a new facebook profile pitcher.
Read the rest of this and pick a title! Or don’t read it and pick a title. Either way. (Or don’t pick a title.)
So, I got over to Cubeland this morning and emailed the Queen Bee to ask for tomorrow afternoon off. Of course this was okay with her as she replied when she got in and read my message. But then, she came over to my cube and kind of tentatively said something like, “This isn’t any of my business but don’t you guys usually go north?” I won’t say where we are going for the weekend but for once, we are actually not going north. We aren’t going all that far south either. I’ll let y’all guess.
Of *course* I told the Queen Bee (and Cube Nayber) exactly where we were going and they were wondering how we would manage with the cooler weather that is expected this weekend. Well, we will do fine because we will be taking the Lyme Lounge, which has heat. I am told there are showers available in the state park we are camping at. I hope that’s true because I will not be a happy camper if there are not showers. I do like to be clean and I don’t wanna swim in Lake Erie! (Oops, I just gave y’all a hint…)
When I got home today, I took a serious look at the weather and, hmmmm, I packed a few more things than I might usually pack at this time of year, especially going south. I *always* pack leggings, wool/silk turtleneck sweater, polartech vest and jacket, smartwool socks, and even a little pair of knit glubs. I pack this stuff year-round. In the Yooperland and even the northern part of Troll-land, morning temps can get down into the 30s even in July. Tonight I added a second pair of socks, ski-band, and scarf, albeit a heavy cotton summer scarf, not one of my winter wools, to my suitcase. I did not pack my YakTrax. I DID NOT PACK MY YAKTRAX!!!! I DID NOT PACK MY YAKTRAX!!! Noooooooooo!
We have had quite a few cold mornings this summer, even down here in the armpit of Troll-land. It [almost] always warmed up later or at least the next day. Today it was as cold when I walked out the Cubeland door in the late afternoon as it was when I got there this morning. I am warm enough in The Landfill that I don’t need the furnace to come on. But it’s coming and the Thermostat Wars have begun.
Love y’all,
Vote early and often (or not at all) on my title.
P.S. Rest in peace, Perry Ping[atore]. My grade school BFF’s dad, a hard-working dry-cleaner up in Sault Ste. Siberia. I remember him speaking at my old coot’s bank retirement party and saying how much the community would miss my dad’s participation in the business community. Dad continued to be a participant in the community for quite a few years, just not at the bank. I don’t know how many years Mr. Ping[atore] continued to work at his business but he was also a wonderful contributor to the community and he will be sorely missed.
September 11th, 2014 at 8:39 pm
“Just Say No to Yaktrax!” ;o)
September 11th, 2014 at 8:47 pm
I love Tonya’s suggestion, but of your choices I prefer #2. Have a great trip to the mysterious place. 🙂