First of all, Little Free Libraries, official or not, seem to be springing up all over the place. Last summer, I learned of one here on The Planet. It was about a mile and a half away, well within walking distance for meeeeee. It was a Sunday afternoon and the GG was somewhere on his way downstate from I fergit where, so I walked over to that Little Free Library and then downtown to bug Mouse at her work, and then home, dah dah dah dah dah dah whatever.
Now Haisley School has a Little Free Library and I have seen two others on my regular walking beats. And then there is the “free” stuff at this uh manor… This “manor” is a teensy-tinesy little house on one of the main roads here. Smaller than mine and kind of shabby looking, not that I am any stranger to shabby-looking dwellings.
Anyway, I *think* this is something like a Little Free Library. I’m sure the intentions are good. But it looks like there is Other Stuff in there too. I’m not sure what. I usually walk by The Manor when it’s too dark to discern the contents of those old newspaper dispensers but Sunday morning I was a little late and so I got this quick pic. Maybe on some dark morning, I will turn on my iPhone flashlight and open the doors on these things to figure out what exactly is in there.
This house occasionally puts a sign out advertising a “neighborhood” potluck. I do not know who lives there (it’s blocks away from The Landfill) but given the appearance of the house and garage, I’m not sure I would be caught dead participating in a potluck there. Am I being a snob? I mean, food poisoning can happen in some of the fanciest, snootiest households. My house is not fancy and I am not snooty (I don’t think) but I do try to keep my house clean, especially the kitchen and bathroom… We do not get food poisoning here.
Man oh man, is it windy here tonight. I was gonna walk to the Plum Market after work but I decided to try to avoid the possibility of falling branches or power lines or traffic signals or whatever. We have power. Many others do not. Fingers crossed.
November 24th, 2014 at 8:34 pm
Oh, dear, I hate wind! It’s scary here too with all our trees. I don’t think a fear of food poisoning makes you a snob. I’m very careful at potlucks and sometimes only eat things that I see come out of a store bought package. 🙂
November 24th, 2014 at 10:14 pm
I have toyed around with putting up a little free library in our yard – to go with the hockey nets and basketball hoop.
November 25th, 2014 at 8:17 am
on Fifth St, about half a block from Bach school there is not only a free library, there are 2 benches – one adult size and one kid size. 😉