Trial by fire ice

squallsSubtitle: Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Beautiful 0-skunk-30 walk today, then some fun with shoveling and Egregious Idling. The GG launched for the yooperland and I was running late but finally I got out there and faaaaared up the Ninja to head over to Cubeland. [insert error aminal here] Neighborhood streets were fine, even though they weren’t plowed. Could. Not. Get. Onto. North. Maple. Took something like five tries. Dangerous because traffic on N. Maple is not slow — even on ice — and I have to make a left turn. Finally. Made it through the Dexter / N. Maple light (green) and the little light by Maple Village (green). Stopped at the Big Maple / Jackson intersection. Could. Not. Get. Going. Again. On flat pavement. I was the first vee-hickle. Jeebus.

Yes, I bailed. I can work from home. [insert error aminal here] Faaarrred up my work laptop and. and. and. No internet… Oh yeah, *that* problem. My laptop could connect to the wifi but I could not get to the internet. Been there done that. Earlier this week. I knew that with all of the mother-ship stuff on my work laptop, I wouldn’t be able to trouble-shoot this by myself. I emailed the Queen Bee via ababsurdo and then (where there’s a will, there’s a way) I schlepped over to the Plum Market “lounge” with my work laptop in my Maple Leaf Backpack, bought a big coffee, and connected to work via their wifi. I couldn’t make the VPN work but I could manage without that for the duration.

snowbridgeI had thought maybe I would try to make the trek to Cubeland later but today was a terrifically blustery day of Snow Squalls (see above pic from my seat at the Plum) and I ended up bagging that idea. Checking weather news throughout the day yielded *three* huge multi-vee-hickle accidents in our Great Lake State. The worst being on I94 over by Kalamazoo, featuring a semi carrying fireworks that caught on fire. Here’s a video (sorry, it begins with an ad). Closer to home, US23 was closed for a similar accident. Fatalities in both. Whiteout conditions in both. Third? Somewhere on 131. That one [sadly] got lost in the shuffle.

I tried not to be nervous about the GG’s trip to the yooperland. At long last, I received this photoooo along with the message that his driving was done. Whew! Not a good week to drive. Earlier this week, a family traveling in the Great White North rear-ended a semi in whiteout conditions, became attached to it and was dragged 16 miles! Jeebus. Here’s a link.

To add insult to injury, during my brief drive this morning, I had no blasted radio. The radio display said something like “Enter code”. Enter code. Enter code? What code? How do I enter it? I wasn’t in a panic about this. I figured that it had something to do with the new battery the GG installed last night. And it did. I googled it but haven’t fixed it yet. Annoying? Yes.

What did I fix? With a little help from my fam, aka Mouse and npJane, that is, the ($95) xmas tree is now outside the back door. We celebrated that endeavor with dinner at Knight’s. Good times!

Good night,

One Response to “Trial by fire ice”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Gah, your stories of driving in that weather make my blood run cold!! We’ve been reading about that I94 accident here, but I didn’t know there were so many others. Stay safe, maybe in the Homeland. 🙂 I know what you mean about those insults to injury things; small frustrations can be the most vexing.