Who the heck is Kitty Forman?

lymeloungeYes, I took a facebook quiz. I do that sometimes. I know that facebook is probably collecting “data” every time I take one of those quizzes but probably not any more “data” than Google or Amazon collects and I’m not sure what they do with that “data” besides show me ads for shop vac filters on every commercial site I navigate to. Am I naive?

Okaaaayyyy. Break here. The GG came out into the chitchen to get some kimchee (yes really) and I happened to drum my fists on my quartz counter while he was out here. I think he thought that I was angry about something???? Noooooo. I felt a need to play the drums for a minute and I do not own a drum or drumsticks so all I could do was bang my fists against my quartz counter. It was rhythmic, at least to me.

Anyway, I hope facebook doesn’t tell you when I take quizzes because I never tell the quiz to share my result but I don’t really trust those quiz sites and I don’t really trust facebook. MMCB doesn’t EVER post anything on facebook. She direct messages and plays word games with her sister. Still, once when she attained some stratospherically high score in a word game, facebook announced it. Of course I told her about that. (Oh yeah, she has also sent links to fad diet products a couple times. Hacked.) I was gonna say to please tell me if facebook reports my quiz results but, on second thought, I’m not sure I care…

The quiz I took this evening was something like which TV mom are you. I couldn’t feature which TV mom I could possibly be. I am certainly not Beaver’s mom. I am nowhere near that classy. And I can only aspire to be Lucy Ricardo. Actually, I couldn’t even think of anyone else. Oh yeah, Edith Bunker. I don’t think so but you never know. (I’m dating myself, I know…) Anyway, Google tells me that Kitty Forman is the mom on “That 70s Show”. And Wiki-pee tells me that I am NOTHING like her. I’m probably (eek) more like Edith Bunker… … … Is “That 70s Show” a good show? Should we watch it? I don’t watch TV except that we have watched the whole Firefly season since xmas and we *loved* it. There are no moms in the Faaarfly crew and that makes me think of my fave Lost in Space. June Lockhart was the mom. I’m nothing like her either. Too cowardly.

What else? I fergot. Oh, the photooooo… This is where the Lyme Lounge winters. This is the Uncly Uncle’s wonderful garage up in Gaylord. As you might be able to see, there are *three* automotive vee-hickles in his garage in this photo. One of them is our Frog Hopper. You can see a wee bit of that vee-hickle’s green in this photo. It’s wonderful for us to arrive at the UU’s house and be able to drive our vee-hickle right into his garage car palace. I wish I could return the favor but we don’t have a garage down here on The Planet. It is what it is and we’re happy with it.

3 Responses to “Who the heck is Kitty Forman?”

  1. Uncly Uncle Says:

    Love my garage.

  2. Margaret Says:

    That isn’t a garage, it’s a car palace! I vowed not to take any more FB quizzes and then got sucked in by a couple I couldn’t resist. I don’t think you’re anything like Kitty; Ashley used to watch the show, so I tuned in occasionally with her.

  3. Jay Says:

    I’ll be looking!
    I don’t know exactly when the sun set tonight, but I did see a bit of the sunrise this morning.

    That garage palace is awesome.
    We have a one car that has not seen a car since we moved in. Not that it is too full, but the door is just soooo narrow, and not centered on the driveway. The carport keeps one car from having to do a full scrape on the cold mornings.