Art on the beach


So. Facebook activity in the last 24 hours. I joyfully accepted a friend request from a first cousin once removed. I had been cogitating about friending her over the weekend, uh, since she is living next door to our cabin and her youngest child spent some time at the moomincabin helping Mouse make corn chowder and looking at my facebook feed with me… (My cuzzint’s teenage triplets are way too busy to hang out with 60 or even 20-somethings and that’s okay.) Okay, you guys. College humor is out out out when you are looking at facebook with a seven-year-old so be careful about what you share. At this point in time, *I* am not all that interested in college type humor. Jeebus. This guilty dog video was a winner. I was even laughing. Seriously, click over. Poor doggie.

The thing is that I don’t actively try to friend people that are not in my generation but I will *always* accept a friend request from any member of the family. Another request came in overnight. I was puzzled about who it was but she was from the Soo and was friends with some of my other friends. So I accepted her friend request. And then, I messaged The Beautiful Mimi, “Do you know this person?” Yes. She is a few years younger than Mimi and I are. Maybe she knew my brother. Whatever.

One Response to “Art on the beach”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I have LOTS of friends out of my generation since most of them are former students I keep in touch with. They range from 18 to…gulp…early 50s. That’s why I’m definitely Margaret Lite on FB. I love the animal vids on FB; they usually make me laugh.