Going to the refrigerator at Kenny’s Pitchen

pennyskitchenWhere do I start? I can’t really start at the beginning because I don’t really remember the beginning. Just know that Penny’s Kitchen in Siberia has been a part of our lives for over 20 years now and I’m glad it’s reopening and not closing. There was a faaar and some gossip about owners wanting to quit, so we waited with bated breath. Today, a cousin who pays more attention to Sault Ste. Siberia news than I do, posted this article about the re-opening and enhancements. Thank you cuzz.

Memories of Penny’s Kitchen:

The time my old coot sang “You’re in the army now, you’re not behind a plow, you’ll never get rich, you son of a bitch, you’re in the army now”, followed by something like “5 o’clock in the morning and bar-rar-rar” and something about toilets that I don’t even want to remember, much less repeat.

All of the Mondays when whoever was in town or at the beach would meet for corn chowder lunch. And The Commander would always huff about the corn chowder. It wasn’t as good as *her* corn chowder. Huff huff huff.

Joyfully reuniting with Radical Betty whenever we encountered her at PK, even though we were all scheduled to meet there and had probably walked the beach with her earlier.

pennys2The day (ulp) that my mouse was reluctant to get out of her comfortable bed at the moomincabin in time for lunch at Penny’s and I yelled at her something like, “Just GO to Africa and leave me here.” (Mouse, I hope you don’t remember that but you probably do. Sigh. Of course I *wanted* you to go on study abroad.)

The time I watched Penny work with a finicky child to craft a special sandwich to his liking.

The time my beloved friend Paula worried about where to feed a “difficult” relative in Sault Ste. Siberia. Penny’s Kitchen worked.

The time the GG kept gleefully dumping hot sauce into his (already hot) gumbo until it was so hot he couldn’t eat it.

All the times I went there when my people were sick and eventually dying in War Memorial. Hospital workers eat there too.

The time me, Radical Betty, and Uber Kayak Woman were in there and the gin mill bar was on faaar across the canal.

All the times Cam said she was going to the refrigerator.

Lots of old memories there with beloved friends and relatives who are on the other side now but hopefully plenty of new memories to make.

As they have built modern new bathrooms, I guess we won’t be going to the refrigerator any more.

3 Responses to “Going to the refrigerator at Kenny’s Pitchen”

  1. Pooh Says:

    Huzzah! and three cheers more for the Penny’s Kitchen Reopening!
    (sung to the tune of “The Captain of the Pinafore.)

  2. Sam Says:

    Thanks for the news about PK; didn’t realize they’d had a setback. Over here in Luce County, we’re watching a favorite country store rebuild (v-e-r-y slowly) after a consuming fire…and waiting for it to reopen and save us a longer drive to obtain emergency toilet paper, the newspaper, milk, and the like….

  3. Margaret Says:

    Sounds like many memories are tied up in this place; is the food good? (besides the corn chowder?) I’m assuming that’s when Mouse was going to Senegal. 🙂