Stopping in Jellico for dramaqueen
You do not want to know about my day today. It wasn’t all that bad, really. Updated marching orders on one prodject, which was a good thing. Retrofitting a bunch of prototype pages to correct some of the silliest typos on earth was okay but not very much fun, especially since I had to do it a couple of times. Do not ask, you do not want to know. Sitting in building moom’s seat has its perks, which are not internetable, but opening the door to let a vendor in about a billion times was not all that much fun nor was trying to get the goddamn scanner to work with either of the ‘puters in the area. Especially since there were some nice young men in purple shirts in the building today doing the kind of job that doesn’t earn people any friends, especially Mr. Creeeeeeechy, who did that job when I was a kid working in the Tempo office and is prob’ly dead by now but if not, he’s probably teaching his great grandchildren how to sign their name Creeeeeechy by making a bunch of curlicues after the capital C. These were nice, friendly young purple men though and I tried to answer the few questions they asked me somewhat intelligently, even though the receptionist’s desk is not my regular seat and I have very little clue about what goes on there, except that I do NOT unlock the window unless it is absolutely necessary. Heaven forbid!
Where the heck was I? I dunno. What I did not report on yesterday was my voting experience. Alas, I have no voter number to report. I did not wear a little “I voted” sticker to work. I did not vote. I probably would have but it wasn’t until I encountered election signs in the schoolyard at 0-skunk-30 yesterday morning that I remembered that there was an election. I didn’t want to go home to get my driver’s license. I know that I can legally vote without showing my driver’s license but I also know that people sometimes have difficulties voting without it. I was not in a “confrontational” mode, or whatever, not that I am *ever* in a confrontational mode (why the hell can’t we just talk, already…). Anyway, when I came back through the schoolyard, it was something like 6:56 and I could see Mr. Mxyzptlk inside waiting for the polls to open at 7:00. Me? As long as Mr. Mxyzptlk lives, I will let him be first in line to vote but yesterday, he had *no* challengers. There really wasn’t anything to vote for. One city council member who basically won the election during the “primary” in August. A write-in was running against him. We all know how that goes, the current Detroit mayor Duggan being an exception but that’s a too-long story for tonight.
Without going too far into politics, it was my bad not to vote yesterday, even though there was practically nobody/nothing to vote for. Seems to me like local politics is where it should all start but, though I do honestly understand at least some of the local issues and have opinions about them, I also know first-hand how hard it is for the average property-owner (like me) to keep up with local politics. I wish I knew how to make this easier and maybe more interesting for the average family.
I *will* be in line next November (and of course there’ll be a line). Wonder who I will be voting for. Wonder who The Commander would be voting for.
November 4th, 2015 at 9:22 pm
I feel guilty about not voting yesterday, but I am assured that we had nothing to vote on/about.
November 4th, 2015 at 9:23 pm
I did vote because my school district was running a much needed bond and we needed 60% yes to pass it. IT PASSED WITH 68%!! Now we won’t have to double shift. (not that it would affect me because I’m retiring in a year or so)
November 4th, 2015 at 9:29 pm
Wait! Jellico? hahaha
November 5th, 2015 at 7:14 am
Mark and I did vote. Mark was #13 at almost 8:00 am, and I was #119 at almost 6:00 pm. Polls are open from 6:00 am to 7:00 pm. There were two issues on the ballot, a use tax, and a return to paying sales tax on vehicles bought out of state.
The total election count for the first was 526 or thereabout, and it won by 6 votes. Fewer people voted on the second issue, but there was a much larger majority.