Yes, my Halloween lights are still up!

skeletorWanna make something of it?

I was planning to take down those lights the day after Halloween but the day after Halloween turned out to be a pretty damn gorgeous day and Eastern Standard Time happened, which made the sun go down an hour earlier and I kind of wanted to turn on some fun holiday-type lights, so I turned them on again. And then the next weekend we didn’t take them down either and then we took a much-needed long beautiful weekend rattling around the northern lower and there was no way I was gonna take ’em down when we got home yesterday because BECAUSE.

And then, when I got home from work tonight, I noticed that somewhere along the way, the Ninja GPS had switched into night mode and today was a day I don’t want to repeat any time soon (the truth will set you free and that is all y’all need to know especially if you are a goddamn liar). Anyway, you know I turned on my Halloween lights again when I got home today. I also took a walk to the Plum. It was a beautiful warm afternoon and I loved checking out the waxing crescent moon on my way over there and back, hazy as it was tonight. Hey, we had snow up the wazoo at this time last year. 60 degrees? I’ll take it!

I was feeling a wee bit embarrassed about having the skeleton lights up even though I use xmas twinkle lights year-round to provide ambient light and atmosphere in The Landfill. Still, these are holiday-specific (as you can see) and there is a time to take those down. Although our main string of xmas lights stays up year-round and, when friends talk about putting up their xmas lights, I always rather gleefully say something like, “I turned mine on today.”

But then I was craning myself outside the door to put some stuff into the recycle cart and our lovely neighbors were walking by and wouldn’t you know, their BABY (7-8 months old by now) LOVES our lights. And so they will stay for now. Love.

3 Responses to “Yes, my Halloween lights are still up!”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I prefer left over Halloween lights to early Christmas ones. 🙂 I’m intrigued about the liar! Yikes, strong words.

  2. jane Says:

    snow is forecast for Saturday. that is all.

  3. Pengo Janetto Says:

    I have skeleton lights up in the kitchen, 365 days a year!