No drain flies here
Drain flies? Drain flies? DRAIN FLIES? I had to ask that something like three times. Whaaaa? It sounded like insects that breed down in the drain somewhere. And guess what? That’s what it is! Kind of reminds me of sitting on the crappy old pull-out couch in the moldy old cabin at Houghton Lake in the spring when the place used to flood a bit and mo-skee-toes would breed behind said couch. So much fun…
We will not talk about the weather tonight. Why not? Because, climate change or not, we want this weather to stick around for a while. We are all still a bit shell-shocked from the Polar Vortex winter and, climate change or not, we would loooooove to have just a weeeeeee bit milder winter this year. Tonight was midnight madness downtown and I did NOT have to suit up in a balaclava or yaktrax or any of that stuff. I was wearing my red Keen sandals and a skirt and tights and smartwool socks and a turtleneck sweater and scarf and fleece jacket, ski band and little magic glubs. I was good to go. I was comfortably warm throughout the entire evening. The town was crazy with people, even more so than last weekend for that big sporting event.
Midnight madness is a big shopping event but we did not do any shopping unless you count dinner at the Oscar Tango and tickets to Iris Dement[ed] at the Ark next Thursday. Yes we are going to see Iris. I love Iris. The Commander would hate her and probably crab at me for liking her music. It’s true that Iris’s voice can be a bit strident, depending upon the venue’s acoustics. I wonder if I should take along some earplugs… We walked through Downtown Home and Garden to watch the glass blowers and the robot and look at the cute aminals and listen to Mr. B play the puano and harass Mouse’s roommate. We didn’t buy anything. I’m sure we will buy an xmas tree there when we get around to buying an xmas tree. I hope that’s not this weekend. I’m not quite ready. I’m steeling myself for the possibility of not having a terlet [at all] for an overnight period early next week. Thankfully, it is dark enough when we are home at this time of year that providing nitrogen to the back yard should be a discrete enough activity so as not to prompt any neighbors to call the police.
December 6th, 2015 at 7:22 pm
You deserve a milder winter! Ours has been nasty so far, but mainly because of awful winds(hate them) and lots of rain. We got spoiled last year.