Digital bingy

Slodgiest day on earth. I didn’t have any particular work mission plus I had 8 hours of use or lose. I had no missions here around The Landfill, although I did run Rooommmba around the basement a couple times. It is New Year’s Eve and we walked downtown to The Planet Ann Arbor and I love living on this planet, dontcha know.


We had cocktails and dinner at the Oscar Tango and then we walked up the street. We did not stop at the Bar Louie although the faaaar was soooo inviting.


We walked through The Diag and back. We saw at least 150 crows outside the grad libes.


You never know exactly what you’re gonna get on New Year’s Eve on the Planet Ann Arbor. We have done a nightcap at our fave Grizzly Peak before. Tonight it was so crowded that we sneaked into the bathrooms (I’m outside) and then hoofed it back up to our neighborhood Knight’s, where there were actually empty seats at the bar.


Happy New Year! Our plans for the weekend are indeterminate but I am hoping to get the xmas tree down and the place cleaned up. And some hiking…

2 Responses to “Digital bingy”

  1. Sam Says:

    Happy New Year!

  2. Margaret Says:

    Hope your decorations are down and you’re ready to start the week. My NYE was incredibly boring, but also peaceful! I guess I can’t have it both ways. 🙂