You have beans for brains

So, at 8:00 AM, I was sitting in the DreamMaker parking lot waiting for CKBL to show up for our prodject closing meeting. Also at 8:00 AM, CKBL was ringing the Landfill doorbell finding no one home. Uuuuuhhhh. Sitting in the DreamMaker parking lot, I checked my email. YIKES! “I am at your house and no one seems to be home!” I scrambled to find her phone number. Oh my gosh, I am at your office! We rescheduled for 1:30.

Before 1:30 happened, this happened.


I knew that a large package would be delivered today and I actually knew what it was (because online banking alerts but also because the purchaser checked with me before purchasing it). I am sitting in in it now and it is wonderful. A rainy January day in the Great Lake State does not provide a very good photo op so here’s a link to this wonderful chair. Ours is charcoal gray.


Now we need to get rid of this one.


The Z chair begins our next renovation journey, which is to replace a lot of the crappy old furniture around here. Probably not the teak dining table though. And I doubt we can get rid of the Green Couch but maybe we’ll have it reupholstered (again) with some *decent* fabric. I’m not exactly sure where to start or what my vision is. At some point maybe I’ll hire CKBL to help me sort things out. I can do color and style, etc., but I get overwhelmed pretty quickly with pulling it all together.

Anyway, I kind of had to draaaaaag my you-know-what off the Green Couch this afternoon to walk down to the Oscar Tango. It was dark and raining cats and dogs. As it turned out, my walk downtown was gorgeous. It was 40 degrees and the rain stopped halfway downtown. Very foggy on the way home but still warm.


Just for kicks, this photo is from exactly two years ago today. I was walking home from the Plum Market and the temp was hovering around in the single digits or maybe even less.


Baw Beese tomorrow. G’night.

One Response to “You have beans for brains”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Very cool! New chairs are wonderfully comfortable.