Bonus post in honor of Richard Nixon (and others born on January 9)



It is The Commander’s birthday.

If she were still alive, she would be 95.

It is Richard Nixon’s birthday.

I can’t remember when he was born (and am too lazy to google) so I can’t tell you how old he would be.

It is my fb/high school/Tempo friend Robin’s mom’s birthday. She almost made it to 89 but not quite.

I wasn’t going to post The Commander’s birthday today.

But then I read Robin’s facebook post. And commented on it.

Life does move on.

One of our friends of porterization shares this birthday with those two Sault mothers and Richard Nixon.

She celebrated her birthday at the Real Seafood Co. tonight.

I was honored to be there and to meet some friends of porterization.

I had a great time.

I somehow convinced the GG that it probably wasn’t a good idea to *walk* downtown this particular time. I also managed to drag him out of a comic book store that he barged into even though they had put up the CLOSED sign. Those Twinz of Terror…

I am taaaarrrred.

I remember that stove as well as (vaguely) the stove that preceded it.

G’night and happy birthday to all who were born on January 9.


2 Responses to “Bonus post in honor of Richard Nixon (and others born on January 9)

  1. Paulette Attie Says:

    The Commander… miss her. Wherever she is…may she be enjoying her birthday with Jack.

  2. Margaret Says:

    Birthdays of deceased loved ones are tough–brings back lots of poignant memories. xoxo