Summertime sky in February
These are not the best pics I have ever taken. Although I sometimes try to take beeyootyful artistic type pics, as my nine reglear nucular taggers may know, I am (at this point in my life, that could change at random), solely an iPhoneographer. The 6S has a dern good camera but still, you get what you get. And sometimes I am not really trying all that hard. Like today. This post is a “this is my life” type post. You are gonna get what you get.
So, I was blathering yesterday about walking down to the farmers market. And I did. Since it doesn’t open until 8AM during the winter months, the sun was working its way up to the horizon as I was walking down.
What on earth could a farmers market up here in the Great [not-so]White North offer its customers in the dead of winter? Well. Onions, potatoes, red cabbage, winter squash (small ones!), cheese, LETTUCE!!!, pasties, rainbow trout, chicken, lamb, fancy stuff from “Wan OO’s” stand. And I fergit what else besides coffee and a doughnut. And friendliness!
It felt sooooo good to be at the farmers market today. I haven’t been there since before xmas. I love that place and I was missing it. Did I mention friendliness? We scuttled about doing chores for the rest of the morning and then we walked downtown for macaroni and cheese and beer with Janell at the Griz. We didn’t spend a whole lot of time downtown after that. Peaceable Kingdom (only because the last time we were there, a Baw Beese NCT person was working there), the Ark, and Downtown Home and Garden. Note to self. This angle of sunshine is a harbinger of summer.
It was a beautiful day today but it felt chilly even though the temperatures were above 30 and it took us a bit of time to warm up on our uphill trip home. This memorial bike commemorates a cyclist who died in an accident a few months ago near this spot. I think it ended up that he rode out in front of someone in the dark and the person who hit him couldn’t see him. But sigh…
The GG wanted to continue on up Dexter instead of walking through the neighborhood. I knew that he wanted to check out his coin donation center.
I kind of wanted to walk up that way too, partly because of the coin donation center but also because I figured that the skate park might be buzzing and it was.
That was all fun and then we got some stuff at the Plum Market and I guess we’ll see what we do tomorrow. Something about running the current gas outta the Ninja and putting regular in it… Road trip in any case!
February 6th, 2016 at 10:06 pm
We road-tripped today (but no snow!)…highly recommended weekend adventure….
February 7th, 2016 at 1:49 am
I love looking around at markets, although I usually end up buying candles, soap, cards or some other non food item. Silly!!
February 7th, 2016 at 5:06 pm
The best farmers market around here is in Olympia (an hour’s drive away…), but during spring/summer the island has a Saturday market that we go to sometimes (it’s on the other side of the island). It’s a bit po-dunk, but interesting. Mostly rhubarb and herbs, and I’m hankering for fresh herbs! They also have do-dads and trinkets and some are fun. I have an etched olive oil dispenser bottle with a map of the island on it that I bought at the market several years ago and I just love that thing.