Boat Bathroom

What an absolutely gorgeous day to drive the [mostly] back roads from The Planet Ann Arbor to MooU. Lunch at Cleary’s Pub in Chelsea began our trip and I’ll talk about the courthouse that I collected in Chelsea in a later post.


We got to the MooU (said with affection!) Agricultural Pavilion in good time and here is a pic of our display in progress. As I traveled to the ladies powder room or wherever, I noticed quite a few red-plaid guys around. I’ll go red-plaid when I can get a nice long red-plaid skirt but my search for that item has been dormant for a while (i.e., I have other things to do). And I should prob’ly NOT say anything about Lumbersexuals, roight? Google it 🐽


I tried to be as helpful as possible but, at a certain point, I was chomping at the bit to do some walking and the GG admitted that he needed some space to sort of think things through. And so I headed north up Farm Lane toward the central MooU campus. I walked all over that campus as a student but at that time, if I ever needed to go anywhere south of Mt. Hope Road, I drove my crappy old Pinto wagon. Now that we are “old” and are hanging out at the Quiet Water Symposium, I know that it is really a short hike from the main campus down to the pavilion and nowadays I walk that route whenever I can. And here is one of the pics I took heading north to campus today.


The last couple of years I’ve hung out at the QWS, my walks have taken me to old haunts, places I lived during my MooU sojourn and places The Commander and Radical Betty lived so many years earlier. I decided to move in a more forward direction this year and just walked the river instead. So, here are a couple of pics from the Red Cedar River today.



So, just after this, we were trying to connect to get to our hotel and I was standing at an intersection talking to the GG on the phone. Me: I’m not sure where I am but I can see the Spartan Stadium. Him: Are you by Sparty? Me: I do not know where Sparty is. And then, a few minutes later, after some negotiations, I found a sidewalk labeled, “Pedestrian walkway to Brody Complex and *Kellogg Center*.” Yes. I’ll meet you there! (It turned out that I had been right across the street from Sparty. I hope I remember to get a pic tomorrow.)

Of course we walked over to eat at Beggars Banquet tonight! We lucked out and scored the seat under the Gimme Eat sign. The GG did have a ‘hattan but he is actually guzzling water in the pic. We both had very long days and were pretty dern taaarrrred by that time.


My fave hotel here in EL is the Marriott right in the middle of East Lansing but we are staying here for two nights and the prices they quoted us this year were a wee bit rich for our blood ($200-plus). Home basketball game? What? Anyway we arranged for a “cheap” room at the Kellogg Convention Center. It is a nice room but when I first went to use the water closet, I was kind of wondering, where is the shower?


Oh, there it is. (Like, look in the mirror, KW.)


It was a bit disconcerting at first but you have to remember that I am a person who grew up using an outhouse and bathing in Lake Superior (in the summer). I know how to flush a terlet by throwing a bucket of water into it and how to take a shower via a rubber camping shower. Not to mention the several weeks that I took my showers in the Landfill Dungeon while the Blue and Only Bathroom was being renovated. Being clean is a basic need for me and I am very resourceful about obtaining water to get that way.

Anyway, this room definitely has a Water Closet but it’s a beautiful room and the service is fantastic and the elevators *and* the ice machine are directly across the hall from us.

Am I done for the night? I think I am done. Love y’all. -KW

One Response to “Boat Bathroom”

  1. Margaret Says:

    The shower head just hanging there reminds me of Korea. No real shower enclosure sometimes. Those are beautiful and restful photos. I’m happy to not have snow, but seeing it elsewhere makes me wish for a bit of it for a brief amount of time. 😉