
2012spring1I love (except when I don’t) when facebook and other apps serve up my “memories”. Photos from this date on that past year. The good, the bad, and the ugly. And sometimes the mundane, like when one of the beach urchins gets a package delivered here in my humbly nice neighborhood and I text her a picture of it to let her know it’s here. How did we manage these little conversations before text messages and smart phones?

Anyway, the pics in this post are from four years ago today. They are apped, of course! It was a Saturday and it was HOT and I walked down to the farmer’s market and all of the flowering trees in town were in bloom. That is waaaaaayyyy early! We had a sustained period of pretty extreme heat that March (and a good-sized tornado) and it whacked out the growing cycle in this bountiful northern tier state pretty damn well because everything got going big-time in March and then a freeze or two in April killed a lot of stuff off.

That was 2012 and it was the year that The Commander died and two of my best friends also lost their last parent. I don’t really think the weather had anything to do with The Comm’s death but a friend’s botanist dad may have had something to do with it because he was able to enjoy asparagus from his garden before he died, which was in March and that is waaaayyy early even for asparagus. I can’t remember when Farmer John at work starts bringing in asparagus but it is not usually in March. I do remember that in 2012 he had very little asparagus to offer.

2012spring2Our landscape today doesn’t look anything like these pics. Our landscape is gray and brown and kind of ugly (although the green shoots of some hardy plants are shoosting up into the sky) and that is a good thing. It rained cats and dogs most of the day. An absolutely beautiful rainy day with temperatures rising throughout the day so that now we are in the mid-50s which I will take because “up north” it is a lot colder and the precipitation is snow and ice.

We lost power at Cubeland at 10:54 AM today. QA Row (where this BA and a couple of developers also live) was already buzzing with various discussions. When the lights went out, it became a nexus of communication. At one point I said something like “it doesn’t take much, does it” and everybody laughed. The Benevolent Despot contacted the power company and came up with basically the same information that I got on my iPhone Detroit Edison app, which was that they didn’t think the power would be back until late afternoon. He has more power than me with my little app though and he may be the reason why the power was actually back on by 1:30.

But that was after almost everyone bailed and I was looking forward to an afternoon of working from home but then, as I was using my phone to unlock my front door, I remembered that the last time I worked from home (snowstorm), my VPN connection didn’t work. Oh dear. That time, I didn’t really need the VPN to do my work, so I didn’t bother to contact tech support to get it fixed. Nowadays I am heavily into coding, which means I need the VPN. So… I was forced to open a ticket about my stoopid little individual problem and because it was a stoopid little individual problem, I did not get it resolved today. Therefore, I was not terribly productive today. But I had nothing to do that was time-critical so that was okay.

The weather gods are now threatening us with freezing rain/snow/whatever overnight. I am not happy about this new(?) development but at this time of year, any snow we get will melt pretty much directly. Green things are starting to come up out of the ground but that is normal at this time of year. Trees are NOT FLOWERING! That is normal at this time of year and that is a good thing.

2 Responses to “Gleck”

  1. Margaret Says:

    The memory photos or posts get to me too sometimes. Patt died in December 2012, but was getting really sick right about now, thus many of my posts from that year relate to hospital, chemo, etc. Your weather is worse than our weather, for the moment. 🙂

  2. Sam Says:

    Ah, I do so remember our 2012 spring-in-March episode. Thanks so much for coming to visit that day.