
Man, what an awful week. Looking back, I should’ve known it would be. I had very mild cold symptoms last weekend. The GG didn’t exhibit any but now that I think of it, he was pretty out of it in general last Sunday. Did not want to be outside, that’s for sure. We thought we were on the mend and then he relapsed into fever last night. 100.9 degrees. Not life-threatening but high enough to want to STAY HOME!!! Plus there were Weather Problems all over the Great Lake State, as in enough snow to make Bad Driving Conditions. Were we gonna make it to the yooperland this weekend or not? I did not know.

And yet, here we are crossing the Big Mac at around noon today in gorgeous sun (sunny skies and dry roads everywhere, all day). No fever at all today for anyone. Thanks.


We passed this loverly old jalopy (it sounded as loverly as it looked) on the I75 SUV Speedway just north of Bay City and then we slowed down again so the GG could get a pic. I was kind of annoyed that he said that it looked like a vee-hickle I would drive. Ummmm. YOU are the person who drove The Indefatigable for 17 years and do you not remember the arguments we had about the blasted POC? I do not mind driving vee-hickles for a long time. The Ninja is almost eight years old after all and I still love my cute little six-speed manual tranny. But. I need to have RELIABLE vee-hickles that do not make buzzing noises that other people can hear when you are on the road with them. So not my vee-hickle. Sorta reminds me of the crappy old green Pinto Wagon that was my first car. No. Not again. And when the Ninja (oh not soon please) starts to get tricky, I *will* buy a new vee-hickle. I will not look back. Anyway, we were both amused by this one.


So we got to Iggy just in time to have lunch at the Driftwood and checked in to our room and then we went for a walk. My goal was to walk the escarpment today but we had to walk by the North Country Trail storefront first and it is closed for the season and here we are in front of it. Aren’t we “cute”? [Snort.]


As I said, my walking goal today was the escarpment, so we turned up the hill and there was St. Anthony’s Sea Stack. Big as life. I grew up in the eastern Upper Peninsula and I have hung around here all my life but I had no clue before today, when I almost literally ran straight into it, that St. Anthony’s Sea Stack existed. I was blown away. That’s what happens when you drive through St. Ignace on the main street along the shore your whole life and don’t delve even a half-block deeper. There is a similar but MUCH larger sea stack along the I75 SUV Speedway called Castle Rock. EVERYONE knows about that one. Stop and climb. It’s still a dime. [Except I do not think it’s a dime any more.]


I collected a courthouse. Mackinac County. I love the old rococo courthouses the best, the ones with the clock towers, etc. but this one has its own features of interest, plus I have been seeing it from the damn I75 SUV Speedway for YEARS and, although I have always known it had to do with the LAW, I just thought it was the police station or something.


Finally, after a long walk, I had a hankering to take a drive out along the south shore of the yooperland, along the north shore of Lake Michigan. We drove out to Epoufette and back and I got this pic by the Cut River Bridge, which we could drive over but not see in its beauteous entirety because winter. But here’s Lake Michigan steaming along waiting for summer to arrive. Are you ready? I certainly am.


Escaping to the Escarpment tomorrow. Love you all and all of the lakes in your lives, great or small. — Kayak Woman

3 Responses to “Escape!”

  1. elizabeth Says:

    I am so glad you are both feeling well enough to get away to the fresh air and sunshine up there. It does a body good. Sorry about the fever so be sure to rest a little extra while you can. I would love to stay in a motel just for the fun of it. Restaurants are fun too because you don’t have to pull out all the pots and pans and then wash them all and put them away when you’re finished. Tell the GG there is still a birdhouse in need of repair…homeowner responsibilities aplenty. Love you guys. Tone deaf as he is.

  2. Margaret Says:

    It sounds like you needed to get away! What is a sea stack? I could look it up, but I would rather bug you about it. 😉 My Trailblazer is a 2002.

  3. Pooh Says:

    I like the metal grill work over the court house doors. Wonder what year it was built?