No Mouse, I am not going to take this down

babymouseIf I have this right, the rumor is that my little mouse child earned honors on her SIP, aka senior project at Kalamazoo College. Congratulations!

Mouse’s SIP involved directing the play “The Gloaming, Oh My Darling”. The play was performed in the Dungeon Theatre. Er, not to be confused with the rodent-infested Landfill Dungeon here on the Planet Ann Arbor. I went to the play. Here is my blahg entry of that day. I don’t know what else went into that SIP. I am thinking there was prob’ly a lot of writing involved, too.

Mouse started doing theatre stuff at the age of seven. I’ll blahg about that some other day. Actually, I’m sure I have, just not sure where that entry is. She has played all kinds of roles, from “tree #3” (for example) to major Shakespearean roles. And she has done just about every kind of backstage stuff, from stage manager to costume design and, well, I’m running outta steam.

Congratulations, my little mousey.


5 Responses to “No Mouse, I am not going to take this down”

  1. grandmothertrucker Says:

    Well, Congratulations to Mouse and her Honors. I am so proud of her. She is so smart, and turned out to be one of the most interesting little girls in my life, that I know and love. Besides, who could resist those big eyes in that mouse suit? It just sort of dawned on me, since we have always called her mouse, I forget her real name….. ; )

    Is or was there a tail on her outfit there on that fuzzy purple mouse?

    In the future: Hollywood, new Movie of the Year … screenplay written, produced and directed by… Mouse. She’ll be a hit. Spielberg, watch out!

  2. isa Says:

    that child had (has?) about the largest eyes i think i have ever seen.

  3. jane Says:

    great work Mouse!

    I think Mouse’s eyes are only slightly bigger than those of her wonderful sister. 😉 I wish I had eyes the color of blueberries.

  4. Margaret Says:

    Does she not like to be on your blog, even when it’s all so positive? Congrats to her for her successful work.

  5. Dog Mom Says:

    Congratulations to Mouse!