Way, hey! Blow the man down.
Or blow the Dogha off the road, in this case. Not really but there were some dicey moments on the I75 SUV Speedway tonight. Wind, snow showers, traffic, traffic, traffic. I was not in a good mood. It is sooooooo hard to work all day Friday and then drive up to the Great White North at night. In the winter. With all the other yay-hoos that are going north too. And I packed this morning before work and then when I got home, I couldn’t remember what I packed, etc., etc., ad nauseam. I know, I know, make a *list*, KW!
But we’re here at Houghton Lake and I was thinking that one good thing is that these days, we don’t have to hope and pray that the rickety old oil furnace will start. Back in the old days there was about a 50/50 chance. If it did start up, maybe by the end of the weekend the place would be warmed up. If not, much tinkering ensued and more than a few trips to Northshore Hardware, and maybe an actual call to a furnace repair guy, knowing that he’d just laugh.
And after we got the furnace going and the lucky-shucky on, we had to pump water out at the old hand pump and haul it inside in buckets. Actually, I kind of miss that part. We’d be all excited about getting up here and it’d be colder than blue blazes outside (and inside) and the sky would be bright with stars and we’d be tromping in and out the door with our buckets, splashing water around.
It was really hard to tear the old place down but the infrastructure was disintegrating beyond repair and the whole place was kind of rotting and sinking into the ground. So now we have this big beautiful structure with running water and reliable heat year-round. And two bathrooms, which is more than I have in the Landfill. And waaarrrrless internet and webcams and the whole works.
I’m tryin’ t’ blahg ‘n’ people are buggin’ me, so click here or on the disaster area sign for a little water pumping slideshow from back in the old days. 2003 to be exact. There are 10 pics, for those who wanna know.
January 23rd, 2009 at 9:09 pm
Looks like a well oiled machine
January 23rd, 2009 at 10:56 pm
Oil? You guys had oil? ………….. 🙂
We remember the ol’ haunt, a couple of vists ago. There’s always liquor to keep you warm! 🙂 We remember the bathroom/shower stall, the upstairs bunks and the cabiny aromas. It’s still is fun to tinker to get it all going ………..