January Thaw
Are these winter spells of warm weather indicative of climate change or are they just good old-fashioned January Thaws? I do not know. I am a lot more concerned about climate change than some of our new governmental officials seem to be and I think we need to conserve fuel, etc., as much as we can. And yet, we are having a warm spell right now that feels a whole lot like the January Thaws of my youth. I am enjoying it in spite of my worries and here I am walking down to the farmers market this morning.
We were amazed at how much stuff was at the farmers market this morning. We were expecting to get some fish at Monahan’s and meat at Sparrow but I got some great potatoes and onions and carrots and I could’ve bought lettuce but I didn’t expect to see lettuce until February (hoop houses) and so I already have lettuce. Victoria is finished with her Santas and is back into her Protective Fish but, although we are in the market for another fish, we weren’t in quite the right head space to deal with picking one out today. So.
We did a whole bunch of chores and a Kiwanis run and they actually took a whole bunch of old computer crap, routers and the like (yay!!!!) and then eventually we walked downtown for lunch at the Griz and then we schlepped over to the Center of the Universe (aka Liberty and Main) to watch the “Women’s” March.
I did not join the march today. I am totally anti-Trump but I am sort of not a marcher. But I support EVERYONE who did. And “Women’s March”? Pussy hats or not (my expert knitter Mouse made one in short order), I thought something like, “What?” I hung out for a while and watched the march as it passed Main and Liberty and man oh man did I see a lot of men! This was a *people’s* march! Anti-Trump? Yes. I will not go on about that tonight but at some point, I had to dredge out my sunglasses so no one could see the tears that were starting to roll down my cheeks.
We made our way home from Main and Liberty and encountered an old EPA friend as we walked through Downtown Home and Garden and I had to just about DRAG the The Pensioner outta there before he talked the poor person’s ears off. Plus I was concerned about the possibility of urbanP on the way home in bright sunlight (yes!) with no leaf cover. Where? Not. (I did make it home with no prob.)
Did I mention that it was something like 54 degrees today? So the GG made a faaaaar in the backyard.
We eventually ate outside too. I wonder how many months before we’ll be able to do that again. But then, alas, some aliens arrived and we had to high-tail it back into the house.
Love you if you marched. Love you if you didn’t march. Love you if you are a Trumper (but don’t understand…). Kayak Woman.
January 22nd, 2017 at 10:39 pm
Not a Trumper, but didn’t march. I’m glad that many men and women did though, including older daughter Ashley. It has warmed up here to about 50 which is about 20 degrees warmer than it has been. It feels like a heat wave, although 40s and 50s are our normal winter highs.
January 23rd, 2017 at 5:29 pm
I MARCHED! it was great. couldn’t believe how nice the weather was! and the speakers were all inspiring in their own ways. Debbie Dingell was the last speaker, wearing her PP pink scarf. and I swear she got a bit emotional part way thru. I don’t expect that from politicians, but appreciate their passion and heart just the same. ‘politicians are people too’. sort of. some of them. 😉
January 23rd, 2017 at 10:40 pm
I’m not into crowds, but man was I ALL IN with the marchers! So proud of them, so blown away with the multitudes worldwide! (Plus, I got a super great Seattle March sweatshirt!) I had tears streaming down all day, and for the first time in a long time, felt some optimism. Probably short-lived. We are now in Mordor.