Green Couch Retail Therapy
Lemme see… What did I buy today… A *large* pillowcase for that one long pillow we have in the Monster Bedroom to replace the absolutely shredded pillowcase we’ve been using, which is totally beyond repair. I could sew the ends shut but why bother? Um, also cute skirt from Serengeti, a cardigan from Coldwater Creek, and a polartech hoodie from Patagonia. I bought True Teal (not what you see in the pic). If I like it enough, I’ll buy a black one too. Oh, and I ordered a pair of boots. I hope I like them…
A shopping spree? I dunno. Maybe. Shopping through KW’s life, the short story….
Downtown Sault Ste. Marie, MI was so much fun when I was a kid and we had dime stores (Kresge, Woolworths, etc.) where I could spend my meager allowance and, on a good day, have a coke at the counter. And we had The Hub, where people with “money” bought their clothes. We used to shop there but I don’t think we could really afford it when I was young and I don’t remember buying a whole lot there. I did love the mirrors in that place because I could see myself forever and ever.
Then the Tempo store (similar to KMart) got built out on the business spur. We were so excited to have a “big” store like that in town that we would wrangle rides out there and spend whole Saturday afternoons wandering around. (I worked there summers when I was in college).
I was fortunate enough to have grandparents in Detroit and when we visited them The Commander and I would always shop at the [long-dead] downtown Hudson’s store, where she worked as a buyer after college. I have a pic of me in Santa’s lap at the Northland Mall Hudson’s…
In my adult life, I used to love going to malls and big-box stores to look for clothes and whatever for me and my children when they were young. I’m not sure when that all changed. I remember when I first got my current job and Liz (visiting from San Francisco) and I went to Chicos at Briarwood and picked out some biz-cazable clothing. That was fun but I was kind of done with malls not too long after that.
I kind of figured out a biz-caz style that worked for me and how to obtain things that I was interested in on-line. So nowadays I scan various catalogs for clothing. 99% of it is not interesting or would not fit into my “uniform” but I know what will work for me and I found a few things today. I did all of that shopping from the Green Couch and all of those catalogs are in the recycle bin now. Probably the hardest part of all this is that by the time the packages start arriving, I’ll have forgotten what’s in them 🐗
January 29th, 2017 at 7:23 pm
To me, that’s an incredible amount of shopping. I want some new clothes, but HATE shopping for them. I have to try everything on because I have a strange body and it doesn’t fit into normal sizes.
January 30th, 2017 at 10:40 am
What boots??