“Deleting accidental videos from The Commander’s iPhone”
It is a good thing that I have various “memory” apps on my devices, otherwise I would never remember what the heck I was doing on this date six years ago. Or whenever. It only goes so far. I do not know what I was doing on this date 50 years ago but that is probably a good thing. 13 years old? Fighting with my parents? Tormenting my little brother? Engaging in extreme angst about boys I liked that didn’t know I existed? Or parties that I wasn’t invited to? Or on the flip side, maybe I was doing a little night skiing with my friends up at Minneapolis Woods. Or maybe not. It is [was] late March so maybe not enough snow. Or I could’ve been playing my flute. Or dancing to rock and roll music alone in my bedroom…
Six years ago? We were in the Yooperland visiting The Commander, who was, on that date, still healthy. There is a video that I took out at the moominbeach and apparently I deleted a bunch of videos off The Comm’s iPhone. I mean videos where she either thought she was taking a picture and accidentally slid over to the video mode (like we all do) or maybe didn’t realize she even had the photo app open at all (like we all do). In the chaos of her last year of life and after her death, I somehow never thought to look at her iPhone to see what kind of photos, etc., might be on there. I did find some eye-popping email messages on her computer, oh boy oh boy, but we won’t go there.
Anyway, The Comm was actually pretty dern good at embracing all of the new-fangled technological stuff that came along toward the end of her life. She *wanted* an iPhone and we had a great time helping her obtain one and she learned to use the features that she needed (like we all do). She was particularly good at text messaging, which was handy because telephone calls were very difficult those last few years although I definitely called her *anyway*.
I thought about The Comm on this otherwise gray and chilly Saturday of small chores. One of my small chores besides the usual Saturday chores was to sew patches onto the GG’s North Country Trail shirt. He actually wanted to iron them on. Jeebus! That chore involved my sewing musheen, which I have not used much lately but the first pic is the mice that my Mouse drew on my sewing musheen’s case when she was two years old. The grandparents were down here visiting a few years later (they were always a great help to us when our kids were young) and The Comm was about to “clean” my sewing musheen. I had to stop her.
So, after yesterday’s Tank Top Day, today was gray and chilly and drizzly off and on. We did our farmers market routine but I didn’t buy a whole lot, lettuce and radishes from The Goetz Family Farm in beautiful Riga. We ogled the steaks at Sparrow but we are eating out of the freezer for the next couple weeks so we didn’t buy anything.
But. Oh wait! We had so much fun today! We met up with our cuzzints npJane and Jay for lunch at the Wolverine Brewery! I had not been to the Wolverine before today. I loved it! Even though they don’t have whine. Yet! I knew approximately where it was, which is in the warren of buildings “behind” Big George. We have navigated that space many times for various reasons but it definitely helped to have npJane’s instruction, “yes you have to drive between two buildings to get there.” Yes. And then there is getting out but we won’t talk about that except to say that we made it out without incident 🐸
I loved this place. They didn’t have whine (yet) but the young man behind the counter helped me find a beer that I loved. Him: When you do drink beer what do you drink? Me: Whatever is in the refrigerator. But I usually drink beer on the beach in the summer and then it’s probably Oberon. Him: White or red wine? Me: Red. Cab. He gave me three samples to try. The first one was the hands-down winner and it is in the pic (taken by the GG) because the GG ordered the same thing as I did. Kurios Black.
So much fun meeting up with cuzzints on this weatherwise gray and chilly kind of day. Love.
March 25th, 2017 at 7:59 pm
Fun times! I love craft beers and have discovered a treasure trove of breweries thanks to Henry. 🙂 Glad you had such a great time with the cousins.