Harbingers of spring
The title is a bit of a misnomer because here on The Planet Ann Arbor, we have been having spring for a while now. Really nice weather in April, some of it when we were in Fla of course, but my facebook/timehop “memories” tell me that things were getting going a week or so earlier this year than last. Well, and then there was the Polar Vortex Winter back in 2014… You know the one, when Canada got drunk and fell asleep in the northern midwest and great lake states.
Here is my annual jipt (jack-in-the-pulpit) pic from the woods behind my house.
And here are the birdies in the birdhouse on the north side of my house. I know that the momma bird was freaked out that I was there (the birdhouses are at eye-level). But I took my pic and got outta town so momma could continue to feed her babies.
And here is the Moomincabin.
Just kidding. That big snow drift is gone and this is what is left.
May 8th, 2017 at 7:57 pm
My gosh, I was wondering about that big snow drift. I’m glad it’s mostly gone and it’s ON to spring. We’re seeing 70s and sun this week which is a welcome change. 🙂
May 9th, 2017 at 2:11 pm
Maybe jitp? That’s a gorgeous one!