Metamoom Day

I am not one to get sappy about what has turned into a greeting card / brunch holiday. In fact, I spent part of the morning pre-cooking parts of tonight’s dinner and walking to the Plum for a few basic ingredients that I don’t usually keep around, like milk (don’t ask). And working. I mean faaaaring up my work laptop to get some things done that were nagging at me but I couldn’t quite think through during the week because interruptions.

The beach urchins didn’t forget though. They arrived at 11:30 AM *sharp* to walk me downtown for lunch at the Jolly Pumpkin. I was a wee bit worried that we might have to wait for a seat since downtown seemed slammed with Mother’s Day brunch/lunch folks but the JP was pretty empty when we got there and there were a billion seats at the bar and that’s where we chose to sit, i.e., we are not the usual Mother’s Day crowd…

On our way down Main Street, we stopped at Peaceable Kingdom, which is CLOSING!!!! !!! !!! I’ll blahg about that some other time but we rescued a couple of pigs and a cow. The pigs were a pair. The cow was one of three and there was lots of conversation about whether to get a cow or not or maybe two cows but if we bought two cows, the third cow would be left ALONE. Yes, these are inanimate objects. Yes, we were all thinking these things. We ended up with one cow.

And then we went on to the JP for lunch and here is the photoooo Mouse took of the pigs and cow.

And here is the photo I took of Mouse taking a pic of the pigs and cow.

And here is a pic that Lizard Breath took of me and Mouse instagramming our pig and cow photoooos.

We had a wonderful lunch at the Jolly Pumpkin and I didn’t even manage to pay for it because my second whine got comped by the bartender and Lizard Breath grabbed the check. A wee bit more retail therapy happened at Downtown Home and Garden and then we schlepped up the hill to the Landfill where we are hanging out in the back yard looking forward to grilling some steaks, etc., when the GG wakes up from his nap.

At the end of it all, I thanked everyone for not buying me anything besides lunch but actually Lizard Breath did buy me impatiens from the Eastern Market down in Detroit. She has been doing that ever since she moved back to Detroit from San Francisco.

For me, being happy on Mother’s Day means that I have somehow managed to randomly raise two *30*-something daughters who make their own way through life with minimal help from me. They are good citizens who pay their good fortune forward whenever possible.

Good night and happy Mother’s Day to all, including dog moms, etc.

One Response to “Metamoom Day”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Sounds like a great day. (better than mine with no girls around, but they are busy people who contact me all the time) So, it’s just a day, a Hallmark holiday, as you said. Still nice to have an excuse to visit with the fam.