Nothing is ever wrong in the Lyme Lounge

In which The Pensioner plans a trip across town to Porterland with the Traveling Lyme Lounge and Tiki Bar for a Happy Hour. He arranges every kind of supply anyone might want, various kinds of booze, a few beers, glasses of various sorts, ice, and cocktail making supplies. So here we are backed in to Porterland. You have to know that as we were driving over we were kind of wondering if we were turning on to the right street, and then… Is this the right driveway? What would you think if an outfit like the Frog Hopper and Lyme Lounge backed up into your driveway? Fortunately we were at the right address.

Here is the Mad Scientist himself, shaking up a ‘hattan. We used the 2002 Commie High prom ‘tini glasses tonight. The ones that I kind of wanted to get rid of a couple months ago. I guess they are keepers.

Man oh man, this was a fun thing to do. A long-time Porter neighbor invited herself in (with a six-pack of beer) and we had great fun meeting and talking to her. Fun as it all was, it was only planned to be a happy hour, so the Bartender (aka TP) closed the bar in time for us to get back across town to The Landfill and cook a simple dinner. Closing time [Youtube link]. It wasn’t always my fave song (it’s from driving teenagers around in the 1990s, not from my childhood) but it was appropriate tonight. Except that closing time was something like 7:30 PM, not 2:00 AM (or whatever it is).

And from my morning walk where I saw big dogs deer.

3 Responses to “Nothing is ever wrong in the Lyme Lounge”

  1. l4827 Says:

    Anytime the bar closes, rolling away from one’s home, it’s always sad.

  2. jane Says:

    wishing I had a driveway for you guys to back into. 😉 perhaps I’ll get an invite for happy hour up north!

  3. Sam Says:

    You have the best adventures, KW.