In which I meet up with Certified Kitchen Lady (Kami) at my fave Best Choice grokkery
That was probably the craziest thing that happened this weekend. The man next to me at the counter was wondering about Best Choice’s signature feta spread and I was saying “get it!” And then I got distracted by ordering my own stuff and a woman joined him and I was like, “is that CKL?” but I was being shy and then she grabbed me. “Anne?” Yes. We were both out of context. Did I have a place at HL? Well, yes. They got involved in ordering and I moved on to get some other stuff and just as I got to the checkout, I had an actual phone call from a real person that I actually know in person and so I got discombobulated and didn’t circle back to say goodbye to CKL.
My phone call was from Lizard Breath from the NEW Sault Ste. Siberia Meijer store (YAY!!!). She and npJane were there checking out the store and buying a couple flats of impatiens for the moomincabin.
It has been a wonderful weekend at the Group Home. Various people have been in and out. Nephew Dave and his daughter. Hale-bopp and her parents. The Lord and Lady of Linden. And our own Lizard Breath this afternoon. People in and out the whole time. And weather? Gorgeous for two days. Today we got to chill out a bit and read in the Lyme Lounge while little rainstorms rolled through. And then the weather cleared up again and the GG went out and got gas for the Pontoon Bote and when Lizard Breath arrived, we took a Bote Ride over to the Smiley Canal and back along the shore. And then we all sat outside for cocktails and The Beautiful Becky’s homemade minestrone soup. It was all great but I am kind of rambling and I am gonna crash out in the Lyme Lounge soon so good night!
May 29th, 2017 at 9:40 pm
I love feta, so the spread sounds lovely! Lots of names–I recognize most of them at least, as a long time reader. 🙂