Early Bird Special

I am such a big joker sometimes. I joked with the waitress at the Oscar Tango that The Pensioner and I had crossed the line into those sorts of folks who line up for the Early Bird Special. Well, no, we are not there yet. But it was an odd day and we ended up at the Oscar Tango at something like 5:00 PM, which is way earlier than I ever get there.

And tooooo early, I was thinking. But that’s how it all worked out. I had to drop off the Ninja at the body shop for her paint job before it closed at 5:00 and the GG needed the Frog Hopper today so he could run errands and pack it up for our next road trip, which begins early tomorrow morning. So I bagged work early, came home to dump off my work laptop and some toilet paper and stuff I bought for the moomincabin (even though I can easily buy it up there), and took the Ninja down to the body shop, which is downtown. I met The Pensioner there and we walked a few blocks up and over to the Oscar Tango.

A Drama unfolded outside our window. This is the best pic I could get because don’tcha know TP and I and the Civic Theatre folks at the round table were all jostling for a position to watch. It was a “kid” (although he had a bit of a receding hairline) and the cop had just put him into the squad car when I snuck this pic. They confiscated his car after a rather perfunctory search of his trunk, which was apparently full of backpacks? I didn’t see that part. I was thinking that when we dropped the Ninja off, there was almost nothing in it other than a GPS. An umbrella, a few microfiber rags, maybe some ice scrapers, a few shopping bags and almost nothing in the trunk.

We were sitting in the Oscar Tango kind of bored. We thought the Porters were in the Yooperland so The Pensioner texted them asking for a photooo of where they were. And so they did. We were both peering at the pic wondering where the heck it was taken and then I looked to my right and there they were, big as life, right next to our booth. In other words, they were still down here on The Planet Ann Arbor and the pic was from the parking lot behind the Ark and Conor O’Neil’s, etc.

So it turned out to be more of a regular night at the OT except that cHicks gave me a *third* ‘hattan. She knows I always get two but did not realize how early I got there, which means I had one *before* she got to work and took over our table. It’s all right. The OT does decent cocktails but they are NOTHING like Knights where ONE is usually more than enough.

So we are sitting here savoring the long light of a solstice evening, poising ourselves for a northward journey early tomorrow. My polartech jacket and a whole bunch of smart wool socks are packed!

2 Responses to “Early Bird Special”

  1. l4827 Says:

    Oneith by Knight’s, twoith by OT;
    It will be nice to meet in the UP.
    -P. Revere

  2. Margaret Says:

    I’m not an early bird; I love getting up between 7-8, then making my coffee, unless I have a breakfast date. (rare, but I do love breakfast out!) Lots of police action around here lately, not in my neighborhood, but city.