Beary beery rainy day
So the big news from the north is that we have a large bear running around in the wee hours ravaging garbage containers and bird feeders. Our garbage is locked inside the garage and we do not have a bird feeder so we haven’t been victimized by the marauder yet but there we are sleeping in the Lyme Lounge and I can’t help wondering if he passed by us on his way from Jeep and Pan’s down to C*Q*L’s or vice versa. He was at J&P’s at 5:30 AM, which is just a bit before the
sum sun comes up. Not sure what time he was anywhere else. Also don’t like the idea of having to WoodsP in the middle of the night if that becomes an issue. Neighbors are working with the DNR to try to get Mr. Bare relocated but that probably won’t happen until we return to the Planet Ann Arbor, where we don’t have bears, just a rabid skunk here and there. And about a billion rabbits. And shirls/cirkars/squirrels/screeeeeech!
The small news is that, hmmm, lemme see. It rained ALL DAY! We love rain and it was one of those nice warm misty kinds of rainy days but by the end of the afternoon I was hoping for more than the Bright Spot that appeared in the sky for five minutes or so. The Pensioner, Pengie and cBear did go up and hike my brother’s nature trail. In the rain. They did *not* collect any ticks. Usually there are ticks up there on that trail. We’re wondering if the lack of ticks was because of the rain? We do not know.
And then we went to Pickles for lunch. I love Pickles but I especially love it on a rainy day like today. I do not know why. The food was good and it was nice and dark inside (but not tooooo dark) and our server was a lovely young woman who treated us well.
And so now it is evening and we have eaten a gorgeous stir-fry concocted by Pengie and cBear and the GG is next door trying to help troubleshoot an automotive vee-hickle problem and, oh yeah, here are some bare footprints from this morning but these are not from a bare bear. They are from yer fav-o-rite blahgger’s own bare feet after she hosed her feet off from her morning beach walk.
G’night, Kayak Woman (typos be damned)
June 29th, 2017 at 9:43 pm
I do not like bears one bit. Since I’m going back up to Alaska, I’m preparing myself to possibly see one. Last time it was just a moose. (although they are generally way more aggressive than bears) We need some rain here!
July 3rd, 2017 at 8:25 am
I was on the beach near Empire yesterday. Lighting and thunder so I though better of it and left.