Home again home again, jiggity clonk!
Not the best drive I’ve ever had down the I75 SUV Speedway. The first time Ninja’s A/C kicked on was at mile marker 282 in Gaylord. It stayed on until the gas station at 4-mile and it even (wonder of wonders) came back on after we topped off my tank. And then… It petered out. It came back on a couple of times but never for more than a few minutes. I had to keep my window open for most of the trip and it was noisy and there were slowdowns and and and…
It wasn’t all that hot out today (70s) and so I wasn’t suffering all that severely, just want to get the dern thing fixed like I TRIED TO DO before we went north. Oh, there’s nothing wrong, it isn’t the compressor, yada yada. Not. Apparently Quality Auto in Sault Ste. Siberia would have been willing to fix it (they fixed the Frog Hopper’s number five cylinder) but we needed to get back down here so I sucked it up and TRIED not to complain.
Growing up in the Yooperland, the first time my parents bought a vee-hickle with A/C was their “banker green” (as my brother and I used to joke) Buick LeSabre, 1970 or something? I can’t remember. I myself did not buy a vee-hickle with A/C until we bought the Exxon Tanker Valdez (1987 maroon Plymouth Voyager). When you have small children and it is 90 degrees out and you live in a place where you have to lock your vee-hickle at the shopping mall, you really need A/C in your vee-hickle. We didn’t have it in our 1985 Jetta or our old Ford Fiestas. I remember Mouse screaming bloody murder upon being put into her car seat in the hot as hell Jetta after a trip to the mall. We have made sure to have it in every vee-hickle since then. Well, except for the 1992 Jeep Wrangler, The Indefatigable. We had plenty of hot trips in that thing but by that time, the beach urchins were old enough to understand what they were in for.
So we are back down here on The Planet Ann Arbor. The GG and I tandem drove down all the way except for when he jumped ahead and I got stuck in traffic (I saw some scary stuff today). Mouse left after us (collecting pond water and flowers) and did not drive with us. We both saw her pass us but she decided she would rather drive the 75 mph speed limit than hang out with us and I agree.
I walked over to the Plum Market this afternoon. I encountered two of my regular buses (the 31 and the 32A) at the intersection and then I could not for the life of me figure out how to cross the street via the traffic signals. Finally a guy coming up behind me alerted me that the walk sign was on. Thank you buddy.
Today’s pic? This happened the Saturday night I won’t blahg about. I am not sure exactly what was going on but it is the beach urchins and they/we were having a great time after a beach faaaaar. Missing the Yooperland and gearing myself up for a 5:30 wake-up time tomorrow morning. I’ve been slugging around, not getting up until 6 or even 7.
Love y’all, KW.
August 13th, 2017 at 11:24 pm
We’re doing a dance move called the Sand Dolla Holla!
August 14th, 2017 at 7:49 am
I am always sad when you leave. There is a spirit you bring to Birch Point.
August 15th, 2017 at 10:31 am
I remember when cars didn’t routinely come with A/C and now it seems like they do. In the PacNW we don’t usually need it, but the past two or three summers have been hotter than our usual. By the way, I HATE it when things are supposed to be fixed, and then they’re not. Such a hassle.
August 16th, 2017 at 7:47 am
I might have guessed Mr. Pickles’ Yoga instead of the Sand Dolla Holla!