I am a mouse (I think)
You can see the morning glories in the Haisley garden from all the way across the schoolyard. This pic is from quite early in the morning. We slept in the Lyme Lounge (in our driveway) last night and it was so comfortable that I didn’t get up until sunrise (7-ish) and then I had to draaaaag myself out.
We both did a whole bunch of chores this morning. I put two lasagnas together and four garlic baguettes and I fergit what else. I walked to the Plum to get the baguettes (and more butter) and after I put all of that stuff together, I kind of crashed for the afternoon. And so did the GG. He slept. I sat in the back yard and read The End of Mr. Y. It is a crazy weird book and I am almost halfway through it and I am having fun but we’ll see what I think about it at the end.
We had been kind of thinking of walking over to HOMES this afternoon for a beer/whine. We didn’t end up doing that. We love HOMES but walking was hot today and our back yard was beautiful and comfortable to sit in. So we stayed here. As I have said, we will not be sitting out here enjoying the Hot Donut much longer.
September 24th, 2017 at 7:06 pm
Hot there? We have 70s which is perfect with no a/c. 🙂 Those morning glories are much prettier than our plain white ones.