The Greeeeeen Sliiiiiime
I really can’t complain. About the weather, I mean. We have had an endless summer and I have been spoiled by being able to come home from work and sit out in the back yard for a bit before it’s time to get serious about dinner.
This morning? Two showers. One indoor. One out. It is pitch black for my entire 0-skunk-30 walk at this time of the year and I cannot count how many times I took a step and landed in ankle deep water. I could not use my phone flashlight because it was toooooo wet. I basically bagged the woods this morning. I ventured partway into the north section but turned around when I saw what looked like yet another big puddle ahead. I didn’t even bother with the south section. I could see Ano’s flashing orange LED collar in there so I told Ano’s human that I wouldn’t be walking in there this morning. Ano is not quiiiite used to me and barks like crazy whenever I go in his woods. I do like his human. But the only reason I didn’t go in that part of the woods today was because of the puddles.
So, what *about* the Green Slime. Has anyone else seen the movie? I saw it as a teenager (when it was new) and it SCARED THE BEJEEBUS OUTTA ME! I don’t remember if I saw it at an actual movie theatre or on the Piedy Clan’s cabin TV (which was black and white, right? or not…). I don’t remember much about the movie except that I was SCARED TO DEATH and after that whenever us teenyboppers were out at The Raft, I thought that green slime would appear in the water. I was scared of The Raft too but that would be a whole ‘nother story.
Of all things, the next time I saw the Green Slime was on my wedding night in a hotel room over in Sault Ste. Siberia, Ontario. I didn’t watch much of it. Looking at the trailer I linked to on YouTube, I laughed like crazy all the way through it. I don’t remember the space stuff at all. I thought it all happened underwater. My memory must be superimposing the Green Slime I imagined from The Raft over the actual movie. At any rate, maybe I will have to watch that movie again. I do NOT like horror movies in general but this one is so dated and “campy” if I can use that word here that I think I might get a kick out of it. And that music! A blast from the past!
October 12th, 2017 at 9:11 pm
I’m sure Patt watched that movie because he loved those kind of flicks. 🙂 Our weather has soured too, but we had a great summer and fall(so far), thus I won’t complain!