
Remember when we all MacStumbled around holding our laptops open looking for an open wifi connection to pop up so we could spend a few minutes doing bizness. Mostly we were checking email in those days although I *think* I had started doing my blahg during that period so I may have been hurriedly trying to post something. That was when I “rolled my own” blahg, meaning that every single blasted day I edited my home page in an html editor, adding my newest entry to the top of the page. I fergit exactly how I handled photoooos. Maybe it was so painful I am blocking it.

I remember the first time I was able to connect to The Edge network at the moomincabin and post something with my first iPhone and I remember when we first got the 4G at the moominbeach and I didn’t have to run over to the Green Guy Cafe to post a video to facebook. And I remember when The Comm was in the long term care for rehab and I wanted to work from the moomincabin and I got fed up and stormed into Brimley to get Jamadots to come out and set up DSL service for me. Oh, I didn’t really “storm in” to Brimley. The Jamadots folks were WONDERFUL.

So that was all years ago but this morning I got dressed for my 0-skunk-30 and it was 43 degrees and, hmmmm, how do I dress for 43 degrees? Wool/silk turtleneck sweater, polartech vest, toad skirt and tights. Oh, and glubs, the little 50-cent kind, just to take whatever edge there might be off (not to be confused with The Edge network, mind you). There wasn’t really an edge and finally, as I was walking out of the woods, I took my glubs off. That apparently dislodged my fitbit wristband somehow but I didn’t realize it until after about 20 yards or so. Hmmm, where is my fitbit? I pulled up the Fitbit app on my phone and it synced so I knew it couldn’t be far away. I slowly retraced my steps, Fitbit app open and phone flashlight on. And there it was, big as life, down on the sidewalk! I didn’t even lose any steps!

And yes, this is the second time in not too many days that I have given you a loverly photoooo of pavement. You’re welcome! It makes me wonder if there might not be a niche for some creative photographic artist to put together a collection of interesting pavement pics. Maybe someone is already doing that but a quick google search turned up images with human bodies (live, I think) superimposed on pavement. I wasn’t quite thinking of that kind of thing. Just interesting pavement stuff. Oh well, I 1) am not an artist* and 2) don’t have time to collect pavement pics and 3) may just get bored with that kind of prodject pretty quickly.

* WE ARE ALL ARTISTS! Art is what makes the world go ’round. Sometimes it takes the form of “abstract” painting. Sometimes it takes the form of engineering highly technical musheens that travel through space. There’s no reason it couldn’t take the form of an iPhoneographer searching out pavement pictures, embellished or not. I do NOT regard my random turn-on-the-flash point-and-shoot photo as art. But when I looked at it later and saw the crack and the leaf and whatever, I was thinking that someone with a better eye maybe could have made something interesting out of this photo.

Okay, I’ll shaddup now 🐸

4 Responses to “FitStumbling?”

  1. Sam Says:

    First sentence: I too remember war-driving…so glad you so easily recovered Fitbit…you are one of my fav-o-rite iPhoneographers….

  2. Jay Says:

    Is that niche – rhymes with quiche, or niche – rhymes with ditch.
    I actually had that discussion with Harry (and Gene in the background) yesterday.

  3. Pooh Says:

    Dan sometimes posts interesting pavement pictures, although the one this week was artistic because of the dead animal in it. (Aminal if you prefer ;-0)

  4. Margaret Says:

    I don’t consider myself artistic at all, and yet sometimes I can write a nice turn of phrase, or make a semi-creative comment. I will count those moments!!