Lucky[shuckial] Jack

If I do not get any other Halloween stuff out this year, at least The Commander’s Electric Jack-o-Lantern is plugged in. He is facing inward because *I-e-I-e-I* need his light more than anyone walking along the sidewalk does and they probably can’t see him through the bushes anyway.

I have probably told this little mini-story on my boring blahg of blather every year since The Commander died but here it is again. The Commander was stuck at an assisted living facility for her last Halloween on this earth (although I was surprised she didn’t stick around for a few more years or at least long enough to vote for Obama again). She wanted to do a wee bit of decorating for the holiday and demanded, “I want my Electric Jack-o-Lantern!” Say what? I had absolutely no clue what the heck she was talking about. Turned out her “cleaning lady” (not a comprehensive description of what Connie did for The Comm) knew exactly what it was and where The Commander stored it.

Of course (!) we took it down to Freighter View. After she died and we were clearing out her house, I found the Electric Jack-o-Lantern and he now lives with me. Um, I don’t actually remember the exact moment of *finding* Lucky Jack. I just know that he was an artifact I did not get rid of. Partly because, y’know what? 1) I can carve a pumpkin into a jack-o-lantern if I want to. 2) I LOVE when the GG puts on an EPA lab coat and carves a jack-o-lantern with power tools and I hope he does that this year but we’ll see. But. 3) It is so easy to plug Lucky Jack in and let his light shine. And that’s why The Commander bought Lucky Jack. She was done done done with carving pumpkins for the few trick-or-treaters (usually none) that traversed the Dillon Street area. But she still wanted to celebrate Halloween.

One Response to “Lucky[shuckial] Jack”

  1. Margaret Says:

    My version of Lucky Jack wasn’t so lucky, and died. I used to decorate way more for every holiday than I do now. (which is nothing, except for Xmas which the girls like me to do)