You should play the part of the old witch

Say it as if you were talking through marbles.

I was galumphing along through the bowels of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre years ago and one of our young cast members came up with the idea that I should play the part of the Old Witch. We didn’t *have* an Old Witch role in the current play but never mind.

This was the same person who had recently talked at length about having big snakes in his family’s backyard to the point that they had to “call the scientists out” to do whatever with the snakes. In Michigan, where we don’t have big snakes or even poisonous ones, for the most part. He was in the costume room telling me this stuff and a young middle school woman was sitting next to me, eyes wide. At the end of it all, she asked if all of that stuff was true. I earnestly told her that not one iota of that stuff was true but I had a very hard time not rolling my eyes. Jeebus…

I did not wear anything resembling a costume today, that is except for the costume that Ma Natcher has bestowed upon me as I, uh, age. Old Witch? You go, girl!

I did not count trick-or-treaters tonight. It was cold but we didn’t have rain (or snow) and I was pleasantly surprised that a handful of people did actually come to the door for candy. We gave them handfuls of candy. I don’t really care who gets the candy. High school kids? I’m glad they’re still having fun. Kids bused in from poor neighborhoods? Please take my candy! Little kids with parents warily watching who is handing out candy? We are OKAY! I wish I could tell those folks that the first Halloween we spent here at The Landfill, when trick-or-treaters came to the door, the GG would show them our beautiful newborn baby as we passed out treats. And there was The Commander hanging out in the background, so happy with her first granddaughter.

At any rate, no poison or razor blades here. Just people who have raised children and love to give out wrapped candy and ohh and aah at costumes.

One Response to “You should play the part of the old witch”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Sounds like a good Halloween. Mine was mostly fun too, just a few rude kids. Most of them were cute and polite. 🙂