Going agile on a fuuuuuugly day

I don’t have anything against studying the Russian revolution but I cannot feature reading the dense tomes involved in that field of study. I am struggling to get back into simply reading fiction, fer kee-reist. It’s not that the books I have been reading are boring, for the most part they have been fun! It’s just that when you have a job like mine in which you are constantly thinking through complex pieces of web application functionality and how to choose the right words (and vocabulary) to describe it to other people, you don’t always have a lot of space left in your head to concentrate on any kind of book, including fiction, at the end of the day. The Benevolent Despot and a co-worker were commiserating with me about that the other day. I do enjoy reading and I am forging on. I don’t think I will be tackling books about the history of the Russian revolution any time soon.

I am appreciating my own personal historian’s newly found interest in my family’s history. That is, one branch of my family’s history. The Fin Fam side of dad’s family is relatively well documented and he is delving into it a bit. Other branches are not so much, like the Raeburn branch, even though Grandma’s fam had some interesting people. Part of the Commander’s family is somewhat documented but there are some goofy rumors like we are related to Daniel Boone. The Comm kind of pooh-poohed that even as she told it to me when I was a kid but I was intrigued because I had a huge crush on Daniel Boone. Who knows? We *could* be related to Daniel Boone. Probably a huge number of people who are alive today are related to Daniel Boone. 7th cousin 14 times removed? Still, the GG has been researching some things on these dark, fuuuuugly November days, which is a cool thing. Oh, he got outside too. Walked all over town. Going outside during this dark, fugly time of year is what makes us survive. Trust me!

One Response to “Going agile on a fuuuuuugly day”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Have you done DNA tests? They can open up lots of doors and solve mysteries. (or create more!) I read for Book Club, more serious and literary, and then for pleasure, usually mysteries or best sellers. It seems to be a nice balance.