Pop Quiz: How many bridges connect the state of Michigan to the province of Ontario?
This is a Guest Blahg from the Grumpy Growler:
Today, I was listening to the Frank Beckmann show on WJR radio, Detroit. Frank had a little quiz show in progress while I was listening. He presented a question to a contestant. “Name the two bridges between Michigan and Canada.” WHAT!?! (I thought). WADDA YA MEAN TWO BRIDGES? Note: The contestant named the Blue Water Bridge from Port Huron and the Ambassador Bridge from Detroit. Technically, he answered Frank’s question correctly.
I got on the Intertubes and looked up contact information for Frank Beckmann and sent him a message.
I identified that there are THREE bridges between Michigan and Canada. (1) The International Bridge between Sault Sainte Marie and Sault Sainte Marie. (2) The Blue Water Bridge between Port Huron and Sarnia. (3) The Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor. Say Ya! to da U. P. too!
Within ten minutes, Frank Beckmann alerted his audience to the necessary correction that I identified. He acknowledged that there was a third bridge. The International Bridge at Sault Sainte Marie. He noted that my correction of his question did not change the outcome of the on-air contest.
I sent Frank a thank you message and acknowledged our mutual appreciation of Bison Pasties from the White Tail Restaurant in Brevort Michigan (that is another story).
November 17th, 2017 at 9:08 pm
Note: Frank Beckman is a relentless promoter of Michigan and the City of Detroit. His show is an ongoing example of civil discourse.
November 18th, 2017 at 6:52 pm
He sounds like a good guy who will admit to a mistake. (rare in today’s climate)