Functional specification for building Rolled Up Eggs
One of those days when you don’t feel like you’re doing much of anything constructive, right? Sat on the Green Couch for much of the morning. But wait! I cleaned up my entire Recipe Mess on my MacBook Pro. We’ll talk about the evolution of the Recipe Mess and today’s demolition some other day. Suffice it to say there were Once Word files in the Mess that were so old my current version of Word couldn’t open them. Thank the gods that Rolled Up Eggs was not one of those.
The create date associated with the Rolled Up Eggs file was 1969. That is an Alternative Fact. I did not deal with a computer of any sort until 1979. So I don’t know where the OS got that date. It was last updated in 1999. That may be true but that is not when it was written. I am sure that it was written for the Beach Urchins when they were just beginning to use the stove on their own, which was around… lemme see… 1994. Without further ado here is the spec:
How to Make Rolled-up Eggs
You will need:
the small frying pan
a small glass bowl
a tablespoon
1 egg
butter (stick or tub)
Put a little bit of butter in the pan.
Put the pan on the stove.
Turn the burner on to 4.
Put in the bowl:
1 egg
1 tablespoon of milk
Mix the egg and milk with a fork until it is all the same color.
Put the egg in the pan.
Turn the burner down to 3.
Put a top on the pan.
The egg is finished when it isn’t watery on top any more (have a grownup check to make sure it is done).
Turn off the stove.
Slide the egg out of the pan on to a plate, rolling it up as you go.
For the record, rolled up was only one kind of egg that was available around here. There was:
— Mama Egg (microwaved with a little milk in a bowl).
— Daddy Egg (scrambled, poured into a pan, and cooked “flat” like a rolled-up egg but not rolled up).
— Grandma Egg (scrambled IN the pan, so a little messier than a Daddy Egg).
— Ron’s Egg (however Ron’s Restaurant used to make them).
Yes, I wrote this “functional specification”. It is exactly how I write things up for my job, except that there are no pictures. And no, it isn’t exactly a functional specification, more like user instructions.
January 27th, 2018 at 4:46 pm
Love that one is to use “the pan” (without further description/qualification).
January 27th, 2018 at 9:54 pm
Home Tech?
January 28th, 2018 at 12:07 am
I love all these varieties of egg, being a huge egg fan.