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I have acquired a rather unfortunate reputation for disliking lawyers. Actually I know that they are not all bad. In fact, I have worked with one of the best. We won’t talk about the bullying and harassment I endured via a couple of the worst (or maybe most dishonest would be a better word) lawyers on earth. Warm regards🐽
I guess what has always bothered me though, is the seeming need to complicate and obfuscate everything. I want to ask something like, “Why can’t we just speak plain English?” My job as a systems analyst involves translating extremely complicated stuff into straightforward words. And pictures, boy oh boy, do I love making pictures! I love this job but in the last 24+ hours I have had my brain twisted into a pretzel by how to translate a whiteboard full of gibberish (in *orange* marker, of all things) into simple words and pictures.
Nevertheless, I am now kind of re-thinking how the byzantine lexicon of lawyers may at times come in handy…
I left work early today to meet up with friends and relations for an early dinner at Weber’s before some of them went downtown to the folk festival. I am afraid I may not have been the most social person tonight. After 24 hours of head-banging, when I got home today, what I really wanted to do was open up my work laptop and start creating pictures. Maybe I will open it up this weekend or maybe not. I hope I don’t lose my inspiration by Monday but maybe letting the whole thing roll in the back of my mind will sharpen it up by Monday.
What point am I trying to make? I don’t necessarily have one. Except maybe that I am reminded (again) about how it takes all kinds of people to make the world go ’round and that my way of thinking isn’t the only way to go.
January 27th, 2018 at 12:28 am
Nice time with everyone, food was good, company was better.
January 27th, 2018 at 12:21 pm
Good insights. I think lawyer jargon is confusing for a reason; it’s job security for them to untangle it at huge amounts of money per hour. I know many lawyers and really like most of them; a few are even friends. But they are like plumbers-they deal with a lot of sh*t and if you’re having issues, you really need a reliable, honest one.