If you read it on your Kindle, nobody’ll know whatcher reading
I’m talking about the book “Gone With the Wind” and I am speaking directly to the GG. When I retaaaared to the Monster Bedroom last night, the GG had flipped on the TV. As I headed to the
Blue and Only Bathroom, I swear the Planet Ann Arbor mayor was on the screen. When I came back, “Gone With the Wind” was on! I am not a “Gone With the Wind” freak but what the heck, it was just starting and I actually managed to stay awake until the “intermission”. Not sure if they played the rest of it last night or if it’ll be on tonight? Or? I don’t understand TV channels any more. Growing up we went from no TV (really) to a CBC channel and eventually we also acquired TV 9&10, a CBS channel. I think I was about 13 when I came home from junior high one day and the Engineer said, “Look at the TV!” We had cable! It was still only a handful of channels.
Anyway, “Gone With the Wind” was a blast from the past. I read the book and saw the movie when I was in high school. I remember the Grand Poobah reading the book from start to finish in the Old Cabin, stopping only for meal and outhouse breaks.
I told the GG over and over ad nauseam that he should really read the book. I mean, why not? It isn’t reeeeallly all about fancy ball gowns and parties, yada yada. And, don’tcha know, he could read it on his Kindle, roight?
I’m thinking maybe I will read it again although it isn’t on my list yet. And then there’s “To Kill a Mockingbird”. When “Go Set a Watchman” was published, I thought something like, “I can’t read that until I re-read ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’.” Wouldn’t you know that there is a mockingbird audio book narrated by Sissy Spacek. Remember Carrie? I am not always successful at listening to audio books because the soup that rolls around inside my head makes it hard to concentrate sometimes. But I may have to check this one out. Sissy is my celebrity doppelganger. At least when we were all younger, on more than one occasion people told me I looked like her. Don’t take Carrie (or KW 😉) to the prom.
P.S. If you have never seen Carrie, look that one up too. I saw it in Sault Ste. Siberia with Uber Kayak Woman and we went to the Back Door Barrrrroooooom after it. (And I *think* there was also a book and I *think* I read it but I’m too lazy to look it up. You’re welcome.)
June 5th, 2018 at 6:20 pm
I’ve never read “Gone with the Wind” nor have I seen the film. I think I’ve read “To Kill a Mockingbird” but many years(decades?) ago. The book “Carrie” was written by Stephen King. 🙂