Sunshine and shadow
As I have said before, I consider myself an amateur photographer. My photography mission is twofold: 1) to document things as I see them without agonizing about the photo quality and 2) to get as much out of my iPhone cam as I can. Today’s photo is something that I probably couldn’t have done with my iPhone 6S. The iPhone X does a much better job. Also, it was a kind of accidental photoooo. I was taking a short break from telecommuting and was down on the bank eyeballing the summer’s blueberry crop and I found these bunchberry plants at just the point in time when their berries were making shadows.
So I finished “Perfect Match” by Jodi Picoult and, having read a couple of her previous books, it met my expectations. I LOVED the story. Its twists and turns kept me moving along right up until the interesting surprise at the end. She is a wonderful writer when it comes to creating an intricate story line. But. I find her characters to be sorta flat. I want to sympathize with them but meh. She uses too many words to try to describe her characters’ emotional landscape when their actions should suffice. Like, don’t hit me over the head a gazillion times with how awful you feel when your little kid is sexually violated. I get it. Also, I was irritated that she did not use “lay” and “lie” correctly on a couple of occasions. If you grew up with The Commander as your mother, you do NOT confuse those words!
I am now reading “The Woman in Cabin 10”. Hey, I am reading a book with a NUMERAL in the title. Some people have harassed the GG about reading books with numerals in the title. I have actually read one myself – 1Q84. Although crime is not my preferred genre, a lot of folks on the moominbeach were reading the book. I was skeptical but it turns out that I am LOVING this book. It seems to be just what I needed as beach escape reading. The GG said something like, “It’s okay to read something a little trashy sometimes.” Indeed.
July 25th, 2018 at 9:34 pm
I agree with you about Picoult; she gets carried away with description. And lay and lie are very different! My father taught English as well as history and was a stickler.