bizness/weather day

So much for a SECOND post yesterday. I’ll blame it on an episode of porterization. Is that a good enough excuse [insert percontation point here] 🐸

Anyway, it was a good thing we took a Motor Bote ride in the MORNING yesterday, given what happened later. This Motor Bote ride was gorgeous, almost dead calm and we were able to meet the Joseph Block as it traveled upbound toward Gitchee Gumee. I managed to get in and out of the Motor Bote without falling in the drink! Yay me!

After that we headed into the thriving metropolis of Sault Ste. Siberia for a bizness trip. My main bizness involved the Up North Laundromat. Highlights of the trip were lunch at our beloved Palace Saloon and watching a couple of freighters go thru the locks.

As we were heading back out to the moomincabin our hot sunny day began disintegrating and when we turned west onto 6-Mile Rd., it looked like we were heading into Armageddon. Rain held off until we got home and then all hell broke loose, at one point the lightning was so close it shook the ground.

The GG took the opportunity to use the Sherman to clean out the gutters.

You may have heard of a McLeod or a Pulaski or a Mattock? This is a Sherman.

Today is a Lazy Day, at least for UKW and me. Although we did go and dump off a Green Bag and get a cuppa at the Dancing Crane Coffeehouse. Our Mouse arrived last night and we took a walk down the beach with her, returning via the road, where we found this bench sort of in the middle of nowhere. Not sure who put it there or why. Maybe you can catch a bus to the Back Light from here?

2 Responses to “bizness/weather day”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Our sun has turned to clouds and some possible rain. We sure need it! Love the bench. 🙂

  2. Pooh Says:

    I think that the bench was put there by the Armstrongs. It may face the large cross that appeared beachside of the bench a few years before the bench.