
Because today was another beautiful fun-filled day and I cannot even try to sort out my feelings about it. I will say that UKW and I made yet *another* run into the Sault Ste. Siberia Meijer store. We didn’t think we would need to go there again but we did. This time, we each took a cart and paid for whatever was in our own personal cart. We realized (yeek) that we had the same checkout gal that we had a few days ago and for whatever reason, we felt compelled to say that we were really not eating/drinking all of the stuff we’ve been buying. Our gal laughed and then asked if we were camping. Well, no, at least not really. I explained that we were hanging out at our family cabin on land that the fam has owned since 1924 and that we have a lot of folks visiting us and we are all having a great time. After all of that a bunch of us hiked at Naomikong and we all re-convened at the beach, where some of us swam (including meeee) and all of us ate and drank and I’m kinda done for now. Love y’all. Kayak Woman.

One Response to “Filler”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Fun times! I’ve had that convo with grocery checkers I know, but mainly about candy. I bought it for prizes in my class, but it looked like I was a serious chocoholic. 🙂