You’re welcome!

Yes, you got a break from me yesterday! You’re welcome! We were just haannnnging around here at Hoton Lake, gabbling away with cFam relatives, solving all of the world’s family’s actually nobody’s problems.

Breakfast at Little Boots Diner, groceries at Best Choice, a little slugging around, then back out for more groceries at Best Choice and a trip over to check out the Reedsburg Dam. They are drawing down the flooding there in preparation for repairs and improvements. We’ll be sure to check back on all of that.

Still no Pontoon Bote rides. Rain and wind most of yesterday. Today would be perfect as long as the predicted storms hold off but we have rather reluctantly decided to move on north to avoid the whole bridge walk mess that happens tomorrow. Sayonara and seeya at the beach!

One Response to “You’re welcome!”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Sounds very relaxing!