
So, last night the GG asked me if I could make enchiladas for him to take up to serve on his upcoming North Country Trail work over the next week. Of course I can! So I left Cubelandia at 3:00 PM or so and hit up the Plum Market for grokkeries on the way home.

When I got home, the GG asked me if I needed help. No, I do not but please stand by in case I forgot to buy something and need you to get something from the store. Oh, and can you fix the heat shield on the Ninja’s catalytic converter and maybe check her persnickety taaaars too?

So, I made two pans of chicken enchiladas. I did not need the GG to go to the store for anything, thank you Jeebus.

2 Responses to “Workaday”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I love enchiladas! And most Mexican food.

  2. Pooh Says:

    Between the two of you, it sounds like that old favorite county song of the GG, “Throw another Log on the Fire”.

    Cook me up some chicken enchiladas, check the Ninja’s bad ass taaars, fix the catalytics too, and tell me why you’re leaving me!”

    (Sorry, I feel like I should have worked in “blue blazes” too.)