Not a polly-tickle post (you’re welcome)

I so want to write a polly-tickle screed but I know I do not have the chops to do it. Maybe I never do. I am certainly not all that well-versed, although I do definitely have some opinions and I don’t think having an opinion is a bad thing and some of mine are at least somewhat informed by life experiences and not whatever the heck Nancy Pelosi says.

Instead, a couple of books I’ve read recently. A few books back, I read “Geek Love”. “Geek” is not not not not not what you are probably thinking. You are probably thinking something like nerdy boy meets nerdy girl somewhere on campus and they program computers forever after, roight? Nope although that would be kind of like what the GG and I did except we didn’t meet until well after college. Instead, you get to Google some other definitions of “geek”. This book was a circus-related book where a couple gets married and then BREEDS their own cast of sideshow characters, including a pair of beautiful Siamese twin girls.

I *loved* this well-written book but it was a WEIRD book but I love weird books. I do not think everyone would like it and I cannot recommend it to anyone who might be creeped out by the idea of miscarried abnormal fetuses preserved in jars of formaldehyde in a traveling show. And yet, the family was really pretty darn functional…

Today I finished Sing Unburied Sing. I loved the author’s lyrical writing. I struggled with the difficult topics. Poor black/mixed race family near the Mississippi gulf coast. Drug addiction. Violence. Prison. Ghosts. As so many ebooks end these days, I was suddenly at the end with over 100 pages left, pages filled with book group/author interview crapola. I didn’t quite understand the ending. So I “cheated” and read some of the crapola and something that the author said gave me an “AHA” moment about the end. I liked the book before that. I LOVE it now.

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