Where were you when?
When John Glenn orbited the earth? I was throwing up all over my desk and the surrounding area in Mrs. Bishop’s 2nd grade classroom at good old Stinkin’ Linkin’ School. Yes, I was sick with a vomiting virus. They couldn’t get hold of Mrs. Commander for a while (she was off gallivanting around town) so I spent the rest of the morning with the school nurse.
When JFK was assassinated? Mrs. Scott’s voice was breaking as she walked into our 4th grade classroom at Stinkin’ Linkin’ to give us the news. Patty McKerchie tipped her chair over, kabaaammm! I was nursing a sore throat. I was still ambulatory but when I returned home from an after school playdate with a girl I wasn’t all that excited about playing with, I succumbed to a few days of sickness, missing a beauteous couple of SNOWY days off school. Everybody else was outside playing in the snow while I was sick in bed watching not very much on TV.
When Neil Armstrong walked on the moon? I was at the Piedy cabin with all the other teenyboppers watching it on their TV. I WAS SICK!!! Another sore throat thingy! Why did I not go home and watch it lying down on my parents’ bed, which was in the living room then? Because I wanted to be “cool” and watch it with all the other teenyboppers.
When the planes hit the trade center? The GG (then a gov’t employee) walked into the Landfill Front Door at 11:00 AM and I couldn’t figger why he was home from work. I joked, “Did you get a pink slip?” I had been catching up on YAG business from over a weekend I had spent on the moominbeach with my brother and parents. I did not know about the trade center until the GG came home. I DID NOT HAVE THE RADIO ON! I ALWAYS HAVE THE DAMN RADIO ON. Oh yeah. I WAS NOT SICK!!!!!!!
When The President sent his first universal text alert to All Cell Phones? It was at 2:18 this afternoon (as most of you know, of course) and it interrupted FZ’s umpteen gazillion year work anniversary speech. FZ is my dear work buddy and he doesn’t like to give speeches but this was an informal occasion and our mutual boss (Amazon Woman) “ordered” him to talk about his career so he was humorously recalling his long history with the company(ies). And then. bzeep bzeep bzeep bzeep. It was on the CRD’s phone and a couple others. Mine was back at my cube. What the heck was that? I knew immediately what it was. It was a special message from The President. We all laughed and made mildly derisive comments (we do NOT talk polly-ticks at work) and FZ went on with his speech. (In which I even got a little shoutout as a good front-end coder, a skill he hasn’t had the time to focus on enough to thoroughly master! On the other hand, I have never programmed in assembly language. I bow down to those who can do that.) OH AND I WAS NOT SICK!!!!!!!
October 3rd, 2018 at 11:59 pm
I was home sick when JFK was assassinated; my mom cried a lot, which terrified me. I wasn’t quite sure what was going on. When 9/11 happened, I was getting ready for school and Ashley came to our bedroom door because she had heard about it on her radio. I thought it was probably a small plane. I ran downstairs to turn on the TV just as another plane hit the Pentagon. It seemed surreal. Still does.