Gradient addiction
She comes in and sits down next to me on the Green Couch and says, “Moom, I have an iPhone game you might like.” Oh, okay. Ho-hum, I’ll check it out, what now… And that’s how I have managed to spend the last 24 hours or so totally addicted to arranging scattered colors into gradient order. Know what a gradient is? Huh? Look it up if not. The game is “I Love Hue” and it is a free app but after three or four rounds of the “game”, you have to put up with annoying ads between each round. You can make those go away though by buying, well, something. I’m not sure what I paid for (oh, I only paid like $1.99 or whatever) but I am playing without ads now.
Meanwhile, the GG has spent most of the day working on a jigsaw puzzle. This is not a usual activity at our house but, inspired a friend whose family does xmas jigsaw puzzles, Lizard Breath sent us a couple of beautiful puzzles and she and the GG are totally engaged. Uber KW had the idea to put out puzzles at the moomincabin last summer. It was a wonderful idea and we have some up there. Unfortunately, there isn’t a good space to put a puzzle out and LEAVE it out when there are more than about two people there. So we tried it but eventually put it away when a boatload of beloved relatives arrived and we needed all the space we could muster. If and when the family can ever actually talk about making improvements to the moomincabin, having enough space to keep a jigsaw puzzle out would be high on my list of requirements, along with removing the water heater from the downstairs bedroom and installing a sturdy outdoor stairway to the sleeping loft. Unfortunately we’re not at that point yet.
It’s xmas eve and every fin fam relative on the Planet Ann Arbor who didn’t have to work today met up at the Grizzly Peak for lunch. I think we had eight people this year. It was fun and that’s about all I will say about it. I hope we can do this or a variation thereof, for at least a few more years. Home now. Mouse is making homemade pasta and we are grilling filet mignon. And I guess it’s Cee-gar Time but at least Cee-Gar Man went outside and I am degenerating into incoherence, so I will say goodnight and Merry Xmas if you celebrate the Great Holiday of Commercial Excess and Love to You if you don’t.
December 25th, 2018 at 9:12 am
That is a wonderful color app. Another one that I like is called blendoku. They are addicting, but I think they really improve your perception of color. Merry Christmas to KW and fam. We have a recent dusting of snow for our Christmas up north. Cheers!
December 27th, 2018 at 12:15 pm
I’m always afraid that I’ll be terrible at those phone games, so I avoid them. 🙂 There are a few members of our family who enjoy jigsaw puzzles. I’m not one of them.