“Well” bourbon
Man oh man, I wish I was hanging out in Chattanooga with the GG at the Best Western below the steep walk up the hill to Logan’s Roadhouse. But I am not. I am here on the Planet Ann Arbor driving over to Cubelandia to earn a wonderful living.
The pic is Logan’s Roadhouse. When we took an LSD trip to crazy old Florida back in October, we got a reservation at this particular Best Western. It was a decent place and then, when the GG was thinking about where we might get some food, I said… Well… There is a Logan’s Roadhouse just up the hill from here. Har har har. Downtown Chattanooga is wondrous but we had been driving all day and didn’t really want to drive anywhere else from where we were. The GG was like, “Where is this roadhouse?” 🐽
And so we ate at Logan’s Roadhouse that night. The GG ordered a ‘hattan and the bartender asked if he wanted to specify his bourbon or just order the “well” bourbon. What was the well bourbon? Of all things, it was 10-high, which is *our* “well” bourbon. Jeebus.
The GG is staying at that Best Western again tonight and he walked up the hill to Logan’s Roadhouse and I bet he ordered a “well” bourbon ‘hattan with his dinner. I wish I was with him but… I don’t like to take paid time off early in the year… Alas…
Here on the Planet Ann Arbor we are on the edge weather wise. Mist and drizzle at around 32 degrees but somehow slippery conditions have evaded us today. Just wet, gloomy, and fugly.
January 3rd, 2019 at 12:20 pm
Never developed a taste for bourbon… but is there a difference in the taste of various ones? The GG is really getting around!