Local corn and Farmer John’s green beans

A feast of roast chicken on the grill, local corn on the cob (probably almost the last of it), green beans with almonds, mix of brown and wild rice, aaaand a simple salad (farmers market lettuce plus Farmer John’s tomatoes).

We were talking about how much corn each person wanted and some of us only wanted a half ear. I love corn on the cob but a little goes a long way these days. What we don’t eat, I scrape and put the kernels in salads.

I remember when we were kids up in the yooperland and my granddaddy would show up at the cabin on a Community Dinner day in high summer with a bushel of freshly picked corn from some farmer or other and a couple of big glass gallon jugs of A&W root beer. He was a wonderful granddaddy on any day but he was extra popular when he showed up with that kind of loot.

I can remember eating two or even three ears of corn and it used to be a great joke to eat the corn off a cob and throw the old cob on my dad’s plate. Even my dad thought it was funny (or at least he pretended it was funny 🐽).

I’ve posted this fugly old photooo before. It shows me and most of the G3 Fin cousins. I am second on the left with the glasses and my little brother is next to me. Our mother The Commander is the adult helping serve us. I remember so well sitting at that table in the back/kitchen porch of the Old Cabin. If you were sitting along one of the benches by the windows, like where my brother and I are in the pic, and you had to use the outhouse you had to Submarine, which is to go under the table to get out.

Beautiful rain on The Garden Planet Ann Arbor tonight. And g’night! 🧡

One Response to “Local corn and Farmer John’s green beans”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Love fresh green beans! My tomato plants are dying, so I think I picked the last of them today. 🙁 I love corn on the cob, but hate picking it out of my teeth. (or flossing!)