Park & Ride LSD Lunch

Um, yeah. Coffee this AM was at MMCB2‘s HOUSE! Yes. She is on indefinite Bubbe duty these days so she can rarely meet us at Barry’s. But she recently had some beautiful work done on her house, a suite above her two-car garage in preparation for a couple of relatives to move in. MMCB1 and I really wanted to see it (before the relatives move in so as not to invade their privacy). So we came up with a plan to meet MMCB2 on her own turf for a quick tour and coffee and our long-time friend was only too happy to oblige. And can I just say that these two grandchildren are lucky lucky lucky to have this bubbe and zeyde as hands-on caretakers? Mensches! 🧡🧡🧡

Then to Cubelandia where I had to *reschedule* my Q3 conversation with Amazon Woman because…

I had scheduled it for 1:30 today but… The GG picked me up at the State Street park & ride at 11 AM and then we picked up one beach urchin at the Ypsi Huron Street park & ride and… then… We drove down into Deee-troit city on this beauteous day. We parked our car at MOCAD where we met up with the other beach urchin and walked over to Motor City Brewing Works for a loverly pizza lunch. After lunch we reversed the whole procedure (walked back to MOCAD, dropped a beach urchin off at the YPSI park & ride, dropped meeee at the State Street park & ride) and somehow I came home with a beauteous birthday gift even though it is NOT my birthday.

Back at Cubelandia there was a minor bit of a KW-instigated kerfuffle surrounding the rescheduled Q3 Convo (it defies description but it was FRIENDLY!) and we ended up doing it this afternoon, which was fine because now we each have one fewer meeting tomorrow. And yes the Q3 Convo is related to performance reviews and yes it went fine. In one way it isn’t all that necessary because AW and I have a scheduled meeting every week and many informal meetings whenever we need to meet. On the other hand, going through the exercise of listing the prodjects/goals I need to be focused on and making sure my list matches my supervisor’s list helps me, well, keep focused.

I dunno. For some reason I felt the need to post these old photoooos today. Oldies but goodies and posted various places more times than I can count.

Love y’all, KW. HB to all the October 23 folks, a set I am not included in, birthday present or not.

One Response to “Park & Ride LSD Lunch”

  1. Margaret Says:

    Sounds like a busy, but wonderful day! I adore coffee dates, no matter where they take place!