As in “my mom went PIG WILD and read 100+ books this year” (I’m friends with my beach urchins on Goodreads). She goes on to say she doesn’t know how I did that and (sorta) neither do I. There were years during the last decade that I am not sure I read more than one or two books in a year if that. Some difficult family things happened in the 2010s but I won’t detail or dwell on them except to commemorate my mother The Commander’s death in 2012, at 91. But really, so many people had a much worse decade than I did. I have had a roof over my head in a long-ago paid-off house, food enough to feed anyone under that roof and then some, and a very good job, definitely not a given for anyone of any age and certainly not for a baggy old kayak woman like me. I try to pay it forward as much as I can.

I follow a couple of book bloggers who write “wrap-ups” of their year in reading. Best book, worst book, etc. I find that I cannot do that. I bet they actually take NOTES on what they read. I LOVE their blogs and get many ideas from them. But me? I just let Goodreads tot up what I have read. Well, I could tell you my worst book but I don’t like to “dis” authors. I know that writing a novel and getting it published is waaaaay beyond anything I will ever do or even care about doing.

Instead, I am here to say that Lake Superior State University published it’s annual New Year’s Eve banished words list. My parents lived “across the street” from LSSU and were acquainted with the (late) list originator. I actually submitted two words/phrases this year. One of them was “quid pro quo” and it made the list, not because *I* submitted it but because about a gazillion other folks also submitted it.

I also submitted “woke”, which didn’t make the list. I have complicated thoughts about this term (google it) but somehow the word annoys me although I agree with its meaning. And then there’s “OK Boomer” (which I did not submit). This one makes me laugh. How DARE we of the “don’t trust anyone over 30” generation take umbrage when young people complain about how we have handled the country/world?

The eastern yooperland has been hit by a big fugly snowstorm and many people have been without power for a day or two now. From what (beautiful) pics I’ve seen, the snow was heavy and wet and trees are cracking and falling over and the roads are bad and our local electric cooperative up there is struggling to keep up. I can’t think of a more beautiful place than the shores of Gitchee Gumee to be without power during a snowstorm but I sure hope the power company can get things working again soon while keeping their workers safe. I 🧡 Cloverland.

One Response to “PIG WILD 🐽🐽🐽”

  1. Margaret Says:

    You’ve made me curious about the best and worst books you’ve read this year. 100! I’m not even close to that. I’m probably at about 40ish.